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      Archives: Affirmations

      2023 NOV 8th Affirmation

      “I am a magnet for success, and I effortlessly achieve my goals.”

      2023 NOV 7th Affirmation

      “I trust in the journey of life, knowing that every step leads me closer to my dreams.”

      2023 NOV 6th Affirmation

      “November’s cool breezes refresh my spirit, and I embrace change with an open heart.”

      2023 NOV 5th Affirmation

      “I radiate love, and it comes back to me in unexpected and wonderful ways.”

      2023 NOV 4th Affirmation

      “My positive thoughts create a positive reality, and I attract goodness into my life.”

      2023 NOV 3rd Affirmation

      “I choose to see the opportunities in every challenge that comes my way.”

      2023 NOV 2nd Affirmation

      “I am grateful for the beauty of this season and the lessons it teaches me.”

      2023 NOV 1st Affirmation

      “My heart is open, and I welcome the abundance and joy that November brings.”

      2023 OCT 31st Affirmation

      “I am the author of my own inspiring story. I recognize that I am the creator of my life’s narrative, and I am committed to making it a truly inspiring story.”

      2023 OCT 30th Affirmation

      “I am open to receiving the blessings of the universe. I am receptive to the abundance and blessings that the universe has in store for me.”