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      Daily Positive

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      to help you start your day with presence and calm.

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      Daily Positive

      Sign up to receive these daily into your inbox each morning
      to help you start your day with presence and calm.

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      Beautiful and meaningful affirmations to uplift your day.
      Share the love with your Friends and Family.

      I Live From Love
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      My life is Beautiful
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      Today I will radiate Positive Energy
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      I can overcome anything
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      I forgive with all my heart
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      I am letting go of the past
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      Consistency is Key
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      Breathe in Relaxation and breathe out Tension
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      I always see the Good in every situation
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      I Listen To My Intuition
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      My Emotions are Balanced
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      Calm is My Superpower Today
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      Today I have Mind filled with Good Thoughts
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      I Nourish my Mind ,Body and Soul
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      I Take time to noticethe Beauty All around me
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      My Energy is Grounded
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      Today is Full of POSSIBILITIES
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      I Trust in Instincts
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      I Let Go Of My Past
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      Ideas and Opportunities
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      Do Something that lifts my spirit instead
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      I'm reaching out to one person in my life today to tell them how much I care and how Grateful I am for their Love and Presence in my life
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      I'm creating moment by moment & choie by choice in this life . That means every choie matters & today I choose to walk on the path of expansion,growth,peace,prosperity & love.
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      I am open to the love that is always and everywhere present in this beautiful life. If I feel my heart closing ,I place a hand on my heart and repeat to myself. "All is well,I am safe"
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      Every day is a school day here on earth and today I am open to all the gifts and lessons that cross my path as I move through my day. Most importantly I'm having fun as I do
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      Today I make PEACE A PRIORITY I take time to just be. I LISTEN to my inner guidance system and make choices aligned with my heart
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      I'm a bright light shining for all the world to see .When I shine bright others so too and together ,we make the world a brighter place to see in
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      Each breath I take IS A GIFT as it nourishes my lifeforce. LIFE IS SO PRECIOUS and I'm deeply grateful for each day.
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      Today I live with presence and awareness & it brings a different but beautiful quality of being into my life
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      Fear is my Friend
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