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      A Theatre Company called Tobar Na Run will be performing the production of a play about SUICIDE AWARENESS in Teenagers,written by Patricia McCann called “Bring Me Back Alive”.

      490 Suicides were registered in 2010 and this rose by an alarming rate of 7% in 2011 to 525 and for the first 3 quarters of  2012 the figure stands at 367. The 2011 figures show 439 men and 86 women committed Suicide and furthermore the majority between the age of 15 and 44.

      Recession has a huge impact on peoples well being, those who lose their jobs experience a drastic reduction in their income or are in danger of losing their home. They experience anxiety, despair and depression, relationship difficulties and marriage breakdown can follow on from that. We should be identifying and responding to these problems in the community as quickly as possible. Suicide Awareness agencies are now attending to and trying to support a huge increase in under 18 year old’s.

      “BRING ME BACK ALIVE” The facts in Suicide and self harm reflect the need for more public awareness on an issue that has been neglected for far too long. It is difficult to understand what drives so many individuals to take their own lives, but a suicidal person is in so much pain that he or she can see no way out.It is our intention through medium of Theatre to highlight the awareness in order to try to help prevent suicide in our society.

      “BRING ME BACK ALIVE” is a thought provoking story set in a youth centre in modern day Dublin. The play highlights some of the warning signs to watch out for. It focuses on the need for far more Mental Health Services in order to deal with this escalating crisis which is spiraling out of control.It looks at the devastating affect that Suicide has on family and friends. The main aim of the play is to show that there is hope, there is an alternative. The play is written in as lighthearted way as possible in order to give hope to those who need it the most.

      The play starts on Monday 27th May and runs until Saturday 1st June at The Teachers Club Theatre 36 Parnell Square Dublin 1. Tickets are €15.00. We intend to perform matinees in the afternoons for this week for students with tickets priced at €5.00.

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