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      I recently shot a beautiful 40’s inspired shoot that was in The Times Magazine Sep 3rd 2011. This was my first real editorial shoot since giving birth. The team were amazing. We shot in the main house in Marley park, Dublin. There was very little furniture as it had recently been cleared for a concert. I loved utilising the space and getting into the feel of a period shoot.

      I’m usually not a fan of structered suits but it felt good. I felt empowered but also in contrast in the shot on the couch (below), I felt romantic and girly. The clothes were from a variety of stores: Arnotts, Penneys, Buffalo and Topshop. My favourite was the vintage Lanvin suit (below) from a gem of a shop called Horse and June (jacket €180, skirt €150).  They’re located at 22 Drury Street, Dublin 2. Well worth a visit!!

      Deirdre McQuillan fashion editor of The Times wrote “IF THE FUTURE of fashion lies in reviving the past, the 1940’s, that era of make do and mend, of utility and frugality, certainly chimes with the present mood of austerity. Familiar images from that time – the broad-shouldered silhouette, the narrow waist with pencil skirt and blocky shoes- seem so contempory today and are evoked beautifully in these Images by Sean Jackson, styled by Grace Moore ( a style wars contestant) and modelled by Alison Canavan. Speak low, the popular Kurt Weil song with words by Ogden Nash from 1943, was their inspiration.”

      PHOTOGRAPHER: Sean Jackson was assisted by Niamh Short
      STYLIST: Grace Moore was assisted by Tara Walsh
      HAIR AND MAKE UP: Sarah Lanagan

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