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      250g organic Brazil nuts or almonds (Soaked overnight and rinsed)

      500 ml of pure filtered Water or Probiotic drink (water Kefir)

      10 organic Dates or two tablespoons of raw organic honey or coconut sugar

      200g of organic Blueberries

      1 organic vanilla pod scraped

      Probiotics 2 teaspoons (Health force nutritional) or four capsules of Probiotic

      Blend the nuts, dates, berries and water to a thick creamy and smooth consistency, pour into a container, add the probiotic powder, and stir. Cover with lid but not an airtight lid, as air is needed. Leave out of refrigerator for up to 12 hours. Then Refrigerate. Eat when cold. This Yogurt will be loaded with health probiotic bacteria at a much higher level than anything you can buy in a store, this will taste delicious and will have amazing feel good benefits for you and your family.


      Over the past 30 years, science has come to a better understanding of bacteria, the effects on the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract, and immune systems. As a result, the use of probiotics has become more widely accepted and practiced than ever before.  About 80% of your immune system lives in your gastrointestinal tract and probiotics can help. Approximately 500 different species of bacteria live inside you. The weight of these bacteria is about two to three pounds. Some of these bacteria are referred to as “good”, but others do not provide any benefit. The ideal balance between them is 85% good, 15% “other”.

      This ratio between the “good” bacteria and the other bacteria becomes one of the critical factors determining your optimal health. Helpful bacteria (as found in probiotics) prevent the growth of less desirable ones by competing for both nutrition and attachment sites in the tissues of the colon. These organisms also aid digestion and nutrient absorption — another boost to overall health. The term probiotics comes from the Greek “for life” (which gives you an inkling of what the word “antibiotics” really means). When probiotics are ingested, these living microorganisms replenish the micro flora in your intestinal tract. This results in the promotion of a number of health-enhancing functions, including enhanced digestive function, a sense of well being and strong immunity.

      Poor diet and the stress- and pollution-filled environment provide significant challenges to healthy digestion, strong immunity and overall good health. Processed foods also tend to upset the balance of bacteria needed to support overall intestinal health. What’s more, many food products today are pasteurized or sterilized during the production process, and this destroys the helpful bacteria needed to promote intestinal health. To ensure that you have the right balance of “good/bad” bacteria include fermented foods such as natural probiotic yoghurt, kefir, miso, sauerkraut, tempeh, and natto in your diet on a regular basis. Probiotic supplements are also a quick way to replenish beneficial gut bacteria. Look for a powdered probiotic with at least 8 billion organisms per gram. The most important strains of beneficial bacteria are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria so your probiotic should contain these. Keep your probiotic refrigerated to ensure survival of the bacteria.

      Further Reading:

      The Importance of Probiotics and Health

      How gut Bacteria Help make Us Fat and Thin

      Life Change – Gut Flora Health

      Darren Maguire is Managing Director of Life Change Health Institute Ltd. Darren is a practicing and accredited psychotherapist with Irish Group psychotherapy Society, a Daka (Tantric guide) at The Institute of Embodied Tantra & Somatic Sexology, Dance facilitator at Conscious Dance & Ecstatic Movement School, Teacher at the Institute of Conscious Parenting Ireland and a Raw Food Chef & Coach.

      Contact Darren on 0892550701 or Email


      Life Change Health Institute


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