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      As appears monthly in VIP.

      Alison and JamesWow is the only way to start this months topic. Leaving the house has become quite an ordeal. I’m getting quite good at it now but I still never fail to leave something behind including James! I was so preoccupied with having the buggie, blankets, his bag, my bag that when I started the car I turned around and realised I had left James in the hall. Of course I apologised to him straight away safe in the knowledge that he’ll never remember a thing.
      The key is to have an organised bag and the key to that, is to buy a bag that’s easy to organise. I’ve found that an outside insulated bottle holder and clips that attach to the pushchair have been very helpful. Everything needs to be within reach when your juggling so many items.

      James got his passport, probably the cutest photo in the world and off to Spain we went for 5 days with Granny. The weather was perfect and James made a great little travel companion. Unfortunately the same can’t be said for other people! The staff in Aer Lingus were fantastic, but some people were rude and impatient, so my advice is lots of deep breaths and give yourself plenty of time. When you’re going through security don’t let people make you feel pressured as I got a bit panicky and in turn James did too.

      With travelling the way it is nowadays I knew I had to try and pack cleverly. I can’t believe such a little person needs so much stuff. By the time I packed for James there was barely room for my bikini. Gone are the days where I’d bring three outfits per day. The capsule wardrobe has never been more alive.

      You also need to think of convenience and because you’re only supposed to use water and cotton wool on a new baby, water wipes are perfect for travelling. They’re 99.9% water and James has never had a nappy rash. Microwave sterilising bags are also a godsend. Each one can be used 30 times and they take 3 minutes in the microwave so no more lugging big sterilisers around. Use travel size products for the baby as well, so you can take them through security.

      Above all practise patience and practise makes perfect.


      Alison and Dr. Hugh O’ConnorI was delighted to be asked to present an award at the maternity and infant awards and the icing on the cake was when Dr. Hugh O’Connor was named obstetrician of the year.

      Throughout my pregnancy he was calm, kind and supportive. You have so many questions and concerns and he always allayed any fears I had as a first time Mum. He’s been nominated so many times over the years by Mums who feel exactly the same way I do. He’s seen many women through difficult pregnancies and he genuinely cares about his patients. My sister and my best friend recommended him to me and I have no hesitation in recommending him as a consultant whose professionalism, genuine concern and support for his patients is second to none.

      As the Face of Mothercare I was delighted that they won baby store of the year. Lansinoh won breastfeeding product of the year, well deserved as it’s saved my life in the past nine weeks. Another worthy winner was calpol. Where would nearly every parent be without it? It was a lifesaver after James had his shots.

      The people awards honoured many deserving recipients. Among them were the Benhaffaf family from cork, for the outstanding courage and bravery they displayed throughout a deeply difficult time. The conjoined twins were successfully separated at Great Ormond Street hospital for children. Hassan and Hussein will turn one on December 2nd and their fighting spirit is remarkable. As a family their positive attitude is infectious. I wish them all the love and support for the future.

      Every Mum’s must have products

      Roll and go mattThe bibetta mat has a warm feel for baby’s back an essential in our climate. Its soft and padded but most importantly machine washable for all those unexpected accidents. Available in pharmacies nationwide, The Roll N Go mat is priced at €9.60

      Bibetta Ultra Bib-Also from bibetta, UltraBibs are waterproof and stain resistant. They are also both stylish and durable. From €3.99 in Pharmacies or log onto for more info on great products.

      Be All Lotus BagJu Ju Be’s Be All bag covers all bases. They come in great colours and have everything a new Mum needs. The anti-microbial linings mean you can get on with the important stuff without having to worry about germs. Great pockets in easy to reach places for all your essentials. Available from priced €95

      Water Wipes99.9% water and James has never had a nappy rash with them. DermoH2O Water wipes are available in pharmacies nationwide €4.99

      Morrck blanketThe Morrck Baby Hoodie (€42.50) is a reversible hooded travel wrap, uniquely shaped to fit neatly into car seats or pushchairs, bouncy chairs and supermarket trolley infant seats. Take a look at the ranges available from super snug to ultra light at

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