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      © Elaplan | - Hands Hold Ice Photo
      © Elaplan | – Hands Hold Ice Photo

      It’s a thing that mums to be are always talking about- pregnancy cravings. Two thirds of mums-to-be experience cravings and I certainly did. For some its ice-cream, chocolate, spicy foods and but for me it was cream donuts, I used to drive to a bakery that was ages away just to get my craving fix. For the majority of mums to be pregnancy cravings happen in the early stages of pregnancy, when you get the dreadful morning sickness.

      SpaTone the liquid Iron supplement conducted a survey with pregnant ladies and found out that some ladies have strange cravings such as toothpaste, raw onion, soap, and 18% of the ladies craved ICE. Past research has shown some cravings are related to what the body needs and experts believe the craving for ice can be related to a deficiency of Iron.

      Iron is extremely important for all women, but especially during pregnancy as the baby takes nearly all of your iron intake to help its growth and development, so it’s important you increase your intake for mammy’s and baby’s health A woman needs to absorb between 1,5-2 mg of Iron per day. A pregnant woman needs to increase her absorption to 2-4mg in the second trimestre and 3-6mg in the third trimestre. Iron deficiency is common is pregnancy but more so with carriers of twins, vegetarian women and women having children close together.

      Mums never stop for one minute and often we neglect ourselves, but Iron is very important for your growing baby and a simple way to get more iron is by using SpaTone. It is a quick, simple, easy to drink liquid which absorbs a lot faster than other supplements, and by diet alone. I swore by SpaTone during my pregnancy with James and honestly never felt better taking it.

      Nelsons-Spatone-Apple2-SpaTone comes in a regular flavour and now Apple and its only 13.95 for a months supply.

      Honestly ladies its one of the best choices I made during pregnancy.

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