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      As appears fortnightly in VIP Magazine.

      Sleep… that word seems like a distant memory. Last Saturday I slept for 6 hours straight and on Sunday I was ready for world domination. There was no stopping me. The house was cleaned, I was washed, the clothes were washed. If you stood still you would’ve been washed too. James must have realised this was odd behaviour as every night since he’s woken on average every hour on the hour. ‘I should have just acted normal’ I thought. Next time I’ll know better.

      But seriously, they used to use sleep deprivation as a form of torture during the war. I now know how effective that must have been. I also thought all my years of clubbing would have been great practise but I forget that I used to stay in bed all day. I’ve broken all the rules and nothings worked. I’ve taken him into the bed but he’s moves so much I get kicked constantly.

      He used to sleep in the grobag but as he’s gotten bigger he doesn’t like his feet being trapped and he keeps falling over trying to stand in the cot. Kind of reminds me of the sack race in school! He kicks off regular covers and it gets so cold at night. I went hunting for a solution and found the twinkle tog. It allows your toddler to move around freely, naturally and unrestricted. It can even be worn in the car and I simply transfer James straight to bed. I might not have figured out how to keep him asleep but I know how to get him to sleep and keep him warm. I see it as the glass half full theory!

      If you need professional help look no further than Lucy Wolfe. She is the first gentle sleep coach in Ireland. She told me that: “PND has now been linked to sleep deprivation. Interesting that 1/4 woman experience PND and 1/4 families suffer from child sleep problems.” Lucy helps families struggling with their children’s sleep issues and customises a successful plan to help their children sleep better and longer. The benefits for all the family are enormous. Learn more at


      The Bounce and Spin Zebra from Fisher Price.

      James never tires of getting on and off and dancing to the music.

      He really makes me laugh and I just love watching him!! €47.99 from Smyth’s Toy Stores.

      I LOVE:

      The Dream Genii-Twinkle Tog.

      James can move around both freely and safely and still stay warm.

      €26.99 from


      Hi Alison,
      I suffered from skin discolouration and pigmentation during my pregnancy. My baby is 2 months old and I still have it. Have you any advice on how to treat it?
      Caroline, Galway

      Hi Caroline,
      Would you believe that this affects up to 50% of pregnant women. The surging increase of hormones in your body whilst pregnant can cause dark spots and patches of unnatural colour on the face and other parts of the body but NeoStrata’s new pigment lightening complex can help you feel human again.
      The water based gel works by exfoliating and lightening the skin affected by hyper-pigmentation and can be used to treat the face, chest, shoulders and hands.

      A small amount, applied twice daily to affected areas, will target discoloured skin and rejuvenate your complexion. NeoStrata Pigment Lightening Gel (€36.00) contains Kojic Acid, Liquorice Extract, Mulberry and Vitamin C. It is advised to consult your physician before using the gel if breast feeding. Available in leading pharmacies nationwide.


      New Mums and Dads put your feet up this Christmas and have your dinner prepared by expert chefs Hazel and Neil McFadden of Christmas Made Easy. They take care of all the hard work that typically goes into preparing Christmas dinner. No more shopping, washing or chopping. Sourcing the best of Irish local produce and using fresh seasonal ingredients, they will deliver Christmas dinner to your door, complete with fool-proof instructions and time-plan. This is the ultimate hassle-free Christmas dinner. Home deliveries are available in a number of sizes, menus cater anywhere from an intimate dinner for two to 10-12 dinner guests. Prices start from €33.30 per person. See or call 041 981 3837 for more information. Order deadline is Tuesday, 6th December.


      We had a bad summer and now winter is already here but don’t pack away your babies unworn T-shirts just yet. Buy a selection of inexpensive long sleeved t-shirts to go underneath in Dunne’s or Penney’s (€2) and hey presto they’re warm and look great!!


      You can always stay in touch with me and other mothers through Facebook by clicking here and liking our page!


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