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      as printed in the Evening Herald 24th August 2011


      I’ve had a series of great changes in my life. Representing Ireland in the Supermodel of the world competition when I was 16 was amazing; a lady from Paris spotted me and changed my career forever. I also lost my Dad at 21, after that day things were never the same again but giving birth to my son James a year ago was a time where both my world and how I viewed it really changed. I always pondered life, why we’re here and what makes us happy? I searched high and low for answers. I looked at different cultures during my travels, the benefits of exercise and diet. Was location the key? Does living beside the sea make you happy with the sun shining and sangria flowing! Will meeting the right person be the answer? I always looked externally but what I was missing was right there all along. Until you’re happy and content within yourself, nothing or no one can do that for you.

      James made me realise what’s important. During my pregnancy there were times where I felt scared and very alone. Life has not turned out how I planned, I thought to myself. But now I realise that life happens when you least expect it. Although I still worry at times, I now understand I’m only human. James is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He’s taught me to be truly selfless. I have new found respect for my Mum because now I understand just how much she loves me. I’m beginning to see that life is not about how much you accumulate but who you become on your journey. I used to have ants in my pants and could never sit still, out day and night looking for myself. Now when I put James to bed I sit on the couch and think of a job well done and look forward to that beautiful smile in the morning. What he has given me money just can’t buy.

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