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      The focus of the weekend is not to take the atmosphere out of the kids’ game but instead try and encourage less coaching from the line. It’s about educating adults that screaming at children whilst they play sport is wrong. I want every youth team in Ireland in organised leagues in every sport to conform to the ‘Silent sideline weekend.’ I know not everyone is going to agree with the idea, but one thing is for sure the kids absolutely will.

      You can be sure that one population that also favours the silence is the referees. They will love this, and I’m sure they would love to have it every weekend!!!

      What’s Expected from Participants?

      • To get all clubs, codes and leagues to sign up across the whole of Ireland.

      • Clubs to manage this initiative internally with our support and the support of

      your members.

      • Club should select 2 sideline supervisors to keep people calm and make them

      aware of what is expected.

      • Each club should have a silent sideline ambassador.

      • Absolutely NO shouting or directing from the sidelines

      • Coaching staff to speak to players at halftime and when making changes ONLY.

      • Clapping allowed for goals scored and effort for both sides.

      • No directing or advice from adults at anytime.

      • Absolutely no questioning of referee in charge of game at anytime.

      • Rope the pitches and provide a designated area for parents.

      • Kids voices are all we want to hear.

      • Lollipops could be a fun way of helping people to stay silent!

      ‘Just, let the kids play’

      If you would like to support the campaign, you can sign up via their website ‘let the kids play’ +353 87 218 3837

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