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      As appears fortnightly in VIP Magazine.

      Like any new Mum I simply love buying baby clothes but little shoes are by far my favourite. I’m not a big fan of feet but baby’s feet are just delicious! Since Spain though I’ve been fighting to even get a sock on and James will vigorously rub his feet together to remove both the socks and shoes. That’s it I thought I’m getting him Converse. It was a light bulb moment that had me hyper all the way to the shopping center. James had no idea I was about to complete his outfit and there was nothing he could do about it. He looked at the shoes and then back at me, he was clearly disgusted. I made a deal with him (obviously one sided) that he would only have to wear them in public. I put him in his car seat and off home we went. I was singing along to the radio and then called Mum to tell her the good news. When we got home Mum rushed around to take James out. ‘Where are his new shoes?’ she said. I gasped in horror, I felt like a balloon that had just been burst. James and his feet were free and he had a smile from ear to ear.

      James started crawling and standing all in one week. We have since plateaued and are simply still standing. However when we’re out and about all he wants to do is stand and walk with you holding his hands. I didn’t want his feet on dirty floors though. No offence to any restaurants I’ve been in! My friend told me about shoebees. They’re soft leather prewalkers available from 0-18 months. Experts actually recommend soft leather shoes for babies up to walking age. He adores them. He never kicks them off; they’re comfortable and look great. Now we’re both happy, compromise really is the only way in any relationship…

      James Loves:

      Shoobees… Made from 100% soft natural leather.

      They have a flexible non slip sole and elasticated ankle design.

      They promote healthy muscle & foot development and are Non-toxic & Eco-friendly.

      They come in 20 fun and funky designs for those busy little feet! €15.95 from

      I Love:

      paradox-omega-babiesParadox Omega 3, 6 and 9 for babies (6+) months.

      Researched and developed by one of Ireland’s leading osteopaths Dr. Geoff Hayhurst, this product is designed to deliver health benefits in a wide range of areas.

      Omegas are essential for growth and development in children. I simply squirt it into his petit filous or fruit puree… Simple and tasteless. €14.59 from all good pharmacies

      Ask Alison:

      Hi Alison,
      My baby is 2 months old and my hair is coming out in small clumps. It’s also very dry and brittle. Can you recommend any products to help? Tara, Kinnegad

      ChineseHerbz_SetHi Hannah,
      Hi Tara, Tell me about it, I have baby hair at my hair line that drives me nuts as it got so brittle after birth. Higher hormone levels during pregnancy prevent normal hair loss and after birth the normal hair loss you would have had tends to happen all at the same time so don’t panic. It will return to normal around the 6 month mark. Avoid elastic bands if you tie your hair back as they will break your hair and eat a diet rich in fruits and veg as it will feed the hair shaft. The Peter Lamas Chinese herb range of shampoo and conditioners are incredible for thinning hair post natal. They promote healthier hair growth and stimulate both the weak hair and scalp.

      Log onto Also available in most good pharmacies €14.99


      If you’re staycationing in Ireland get yourself and the family to the aquarium in Dingle, Co. Kerry. James was in awe and he loved watching the penguins get fed. I’ve been to many aquariums around the world and this one is right up there with the best. There’s an underwater tunnel and a touch tank – where you can hold a starfish or stroke a ray. With over 1,000 species of marine life, there really is a whole lot to sea!! Ahoy!


      If your complexion needs a lift then look no further than Advanced Laser Light. They are in Cork, Limerick and Dublin. They specialise in pregnancy and post pregnancy skincare. Pre-pregnancy I suffered adult acne and Laura Murphy has treated me since with incredible results! Fake the parental tiredness with a glowing scrub!!

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