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      Having an upset stomach or a more persistent digestive complaint such as IBS can cause a lot of distress and embarrassment. As conditions such as IBS, coeliac disease and various food intolerances are becoming more common, it is becoming apparent that the quality and type of food we eat plays an important role in our digestive health. The digestive system is responsible for how we digest and absorb nutrients and similar to our immune system, it helps to protect the body. We are now also beginning to understand the important influence healthy gut bacteria has on our brain health.

      When struggling with digestive problems it is important to eliminate what is causing the imbalance and rectify it. This could mean eliminating specific foods, adding nutritious foods to the diet, removing harmful bacteria and repopulating the gut with good bacteria. However, for anyone struggling with the pain associated with digestive problems such as bloating, gas and nausea; natural remedies can provide quick and effective relief.

      Top 5 oils for Digestive Complaints

      • Peppermint

      Aids digestion and helps maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. If feeling nauseated, rub some peppermint on your tummy or place a drop under your tongue. Peppermint can also help with indigestion, heartburn and diarrhoea.

      • Ginger

      Ginger has been used for centuries as a medicinal herb and most people think of ginger as an effective tummy settler. Applying ginger essential oil topically can help relieve stomach cramps and spasms. Taking ginger internally can help with heartburn and simply inhaling the aroma of the oil can help relieve motion sickness and morning sickness.

      • Fennel

      Fennel can be very effective for gas, cramps and bloating and in many cultures it is common practice to chew fennel seeds after a meal for this purpose. Applying fennel essential oil on the abdomen can provide effective relief from flatulence, nausea and constipation. It is also a popular essential oil for mums as it can be used to relieve the symptoms of colic.

      • Coriander

      Inhaling coriander oil can help stimulate the appetite and applying it topically on the tummy provides relief from gas and nausea. Coriander is a useful oil to ingest and inhale after experiencing a stomach bug or food poisoning.

      • Lemon

      Lemon essential oil has so many uses and the refreshing quality of lemon makes it a great choice for the digestive system. While effectively helping to cleanse the body and aid in detoxification it also provides relief from heartburn and reflux.

      Each of these five essential oils can provide great relief on their own and when blended can be even more effective in aiding digestion, soothing an upset stomach and improving overall digestive health.

      Heartburn/Reflux tonic

      -1 drop ginger essential oil

      – 1 drop lemon essential oil

      Mix in a glass of water & take internally


      When selecting essential oils it’s important to choose 100% pure essential oils for the safest and most effective health benefits. Only certified pure therapeutic grade oils should be taken internally or used neat on the skin. Always dilute essential oils with carrier oil if applying topically to children.

      Essential oils can be used aromatically to affect mood and open airways; topically for quick absorption into the body through the skin, and internally for immune & digestive support.

      Essential oils are a great way to improve your health easily and quickly. Drop me a line if you’d like to learn more about using essential oils or where to purchase 100% pure oils.…


      -Caroline Jackman, Honest about Health

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