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      So much has changed in my life the past 2 years that you would imagine I’m getting used to it. Not so I’m afraid. It was quite emotional in Spain letting go of an apartment that was bought with hard earned money and now has to go to the banks! I’m sick and tired of seeing people who work so hard struggling so badly. Every day I get up and go again with as much drive and energy as I can muster up. Deep down I do believe and know that hard work pays off but right now I’m asking when? So many bills and crèche is like a second mortgage. Surely our children should be entitled to free crèche considering the first 3 years of their life are the most important? Doesn’t it make economic sense then for the government to invest in our baby boom from the get go? Mountains of research tell us that we will never learn as much in our lifetime as we do in those first few years. James is 21 months, a master manipulator and always a step ahead of me!! I suppose with my emotions being stirred the past few weeks a bit of anger crept in at how difficult it is for parents to work and have a family.

      On a lighter note it was great to see the sun. You would know James was from Ireland therefore not used to the sun at all, as it took him a full week to acclimatise. He woke at 4:30/5AM every morning. I turned into a raving lunatic. Crying at the drop of a hat and cursing the heat I had craved only days before. I sometimes feel mad as a mother. I do everything I once said I would never do. Ice cream became blackmail after I tried to broker a deal through words- see I said I was going mad! James’ favourite words are ‘no’ and ‘I want more’ and I suddenly remembered my own childhood: ‘shut that fridge’ and ‘if I hear the words I want more one more time……’ Yes indeed my friends it’s payback time!

      I LOVE:

      NEW RoC® Soleil Protexion+ 2in1 Anti-Brown Spot Fluid 50+ – 50 ml tube – [RSP €18.25] protecting your face in the sun is super important!


      The Gruffalo- We read it 25 times on the plane! All good bookstores From €3.95


      Hi Alison,

      I’m always lugging around my big nappy bag and I now just stuff nappies in my handbag as can’t see to find a smaller more suitable bag for a toddler. Have you come across any?

      Thanks, Amy Dublin

      Hi Amy,

      I know exactly what you mean. I used to have nappies everywhere and then wipes which would dampen everything in my bag aswell. was set up by 2 mums Liz and Brenda and they named the firm after their first children Ruby and noah (aka ‘Ginger’ known for his gorgeous ginger hair). They are passionate about the business and create beautiful things for mums and babies. Their Nappy Purse is ideal for you. It’s time to reclaim your handbag! It contains a changing mat and hard case for wipes. It’s also perfect for flying, holidaying…airlines are so strict on the ‘one piece of hand luggage’ rule that it makes sense to carry all your nappy changing requirements within your one piece of luggage and not have to carry the big changing bag!€19.74


      For almost 30 years, Parentline has provided a completely confidential helpline for parents and guardians. They offer support, guidance and information on all aspects of being a parent – somewhere for a parent to get time and space to discuss a parenting issue (big or small) without judgement, to hear another point of view and to offload stress.  You can phone Parentline with all sorts of parenting problems.  There’s no typical call; from new born babies to teenagers, all ages offer different challenges. Parentline is the also the only national helpline offering support to mothers with Post Natal Depression.   They are there at the end of the line for the you, the mother and your family. The helpline is open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. and on Friday from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.


      It’s perfectly normal for toddlers to struggle with their new language skills. To help your child form his thoughts into sentences, you need to let him know how those sentences should sound so always speak to them as you would an adult!!

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