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      “SAFETY FIRST” is the only way I can start this column. I talk about car seat safety at every single one of my shows. Some people listen but most shrug as if to say it will never happen to me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m human and there are times I have been rushed, made mistakes and yes even taken risks. However the more I researched for my 0 To Toddler show the more I realized how simple it is for a child to be badly injured and how important it is to always put your child’s safety first. I was in a car accident last week and James took the full impact. A van reversed at speed into me. He was simply not paying attention. James could have been killed but I was told that he was saved because his car seat was fitted correctly and his belt was tightened securely. The window blind also prevented a lot of the glass from hurting him. 3 out of 4 car seats are not fitted correctly in Ireland which means that you’re putting your children’s lives at risk every time you get in the car. James is my life and every time I look at him I feel truly blessed that he’s ok. I never thought someone would hit me as I turned into work but as I found out things happen that are not your fault when you least expect it. I have been shown by Mothercare how to fit my seat more times than I care to remember but I won’t take any chances and I went back this week and Francesca in Blanchardstown fitted it for me and went through everything step by step again. Mothercare will fit your seat free of charge even if you didn’t purchase it there. Please avail of this service and keep our kids safe. Simple steps save lives.


      The Maxi Cosi Tobi which has a green indicator that tells his Mum (me!) when the seat belt is tightened securely €249.95 Mothercare


      The Remington therapy brushes. The nylon bristles are infused with Moroccan oil and keratin creating shine and protecting hair. €7.99


      My baby dribbles constantly but still no sign of teeth at 6 months. Is this normal and also any good products, as I seem to go through an enormous amount of bibs.
      Sile, Cork

      Hi Sile,
      I remember it well. Babies all develop a different stages and one size doesn’t fit all. Books etc. are merely guidelines and should only be used as such. The saliva helps cool off inflamed and tender gums in preparation for the new baby teeth to come through. This can happen for weeks or months before you see the 1 st tooth. Skibz bibz are also launching their new Skibz Doublez which are effectively two bibs in one. They have been especially designed to provide parents and their little ones a double dose of absorbency, reliability and most importantly style! The Doublez are reversible so there are two funky styles to choose from; however no functionality has been spared as they have been made using a double layer of fabric meaning that they are twice as absorbent as a single bib making sure babies stay dry and comfortable for longer. RRP: €16 For Stockists in irl look on


      This unique and innovative toy, which raises money for the Children’s Immunology Fund with every sale, is unusually big for a doll, but being the realistic size of a six month old baby means toddlers feel like they have their own baby to dress, hold and play with. Oobicoo is a great tool for role-play, encourages creativity and imagination and is ideal to help develop communication skills. The adorable pal is also perfect if your tot has just welcomed a new sibling. Whilst mum is looking after the newborn, your toddler can look after their Oobicoo, which helps the little ones adjust to the baby. It is fair to say that Oobicoo is more than just a doll. By dressing their dolls in real clothes, it encourages children to be independent dressers – as they learn how to use poppers, buttons and zips, which dolls’ clothes don’t have. Rachel Jones, Creator of Oobicoo commented “Having already won five awards, I am excited about what’s next for Oobicoo. Not only does it help a child’s development, they are perfect for imaginative play, great for teaching dexterity in terms of dressing and undressing and because of their realistic size, they give huge cuddles!” €43.80


      My next 0 To Toddler show is on the 13th October at The Carnegie Court Hotel in Swords, Dublin. If you’re interested in exhibiting please contact me at

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