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      What a way to end the summer. My favourite part of the night was most definitely our “lady in red”. Sadly we simply couldn’t risk letting her win because shockingly there was a rumor she might have been a man!!!

      I was delighted with our winner. In 1st place winning a €1,000 voucher was Amanda Longmore. I loved her look, elegant, fresh and summery. Her dress was from Ted baker and her headpiece was from Palles Millinery.

      2nd prize went to Amy leslie who was wearing a yellow and black lace dress from Bourne Clothing in Carrick on Shannon. She madc her hat herself ( which was simply stunning and she picked up a €500 voucher.

      Finally in 3rd place Sandra Palles looked beautiful in a crisp clean creme dress and jacket from Zara and hat by Palles Millinery. Sue kelly from Brown cow blew me away last  and her headpiece was made by my guest judge Loretta Jordan from Its been an amazing Summer and i really want to thank Sue Kelly, everyone at leopardstown and all the amazing ladies i met throughout the competition.

      WHAT I WORE: My dress was from Karen Millen and my headpiece was from Sophie hunter Millinery

      I love my job and hope to be back soon,

      Judge Ali xxxx

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