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      As appears fortnightly in VIP Magazine.

      I don’t know about you but what I’m looking forward to this Christmas is putting my feet up for a few days. Well I suppose as much as you can with a toddler! Life is very hectic right now trying to put my dream of the Parenting Roadshow together but I know it will be worthwhile. Trying to juggle being a parent and working all the time can be really difficult. I have found myself crying through exhaustion, guilt and sheer frustration if the truth be known. Why as parents do we feel guilty about everything?? I feel guilty if he falls, if he sniffles and I bawled when I dropped him at crèche the first day. James on the other hand is a lot more together than his mother and simply just gets better each day. He’s started to say a few words and mimics everything I do. Apparently I say ‘wow’ and ‘this’ a lot. No need to feel insecure or paranoid then when you live with a parrot.

      I’m really looking forward to Christmas with James. I have to admit it brings back that special something having a kid around. Santa, stockings, decorating and I’m already singing jingle bells which James loves. I have to admit I’m enjoying controlling what he gets, how much it costs, what he’ll wear and all the other things that I know are temporary as a parent. He’s going to wear a red jumper, santa hat, proper shoes and I’ll make sure all the photos get shown to potential girlfriends in future years. Yes I’m preparing him for a life of batchelorhood or put more simply a life with Mum. He can do whatever he likes when I’m gone. I have become the dreaded Irish mother. The one we all say we’ll never turn into. Do I feel guilty, not a bit.

      On a more serious note Christmas can be a very difficult time for a lot of people. We miss those who have passed. For all the Mums and Dads who have lost little angels and had a hard year I’m sending you love, courage, strength and hope. Be kind to each other, spend time with each other and remember the holidays are a time for humility and that doesn’t mean thinking less of yourself it means thinking of yourself a bit less.

      Happy Christmas xx


      My Iphone is finally safe with the Aptivity from Fisher Price.
      It protects your phone and gives you some peace. It’s a win win with this one. My techno tot even has his own apps. Argos €13.07

      I LOVE:

      These beautiful handmade Christmas stockings.
      Each stocking is individual and can be personalised with a letter. James is already here! €12-15


      Hi Alison,
      My baby is 3 weeks old and I’ve been told to steer clear of perfume and fake tan. I’ve noticed my make up rubbing off on the babygro’s as well. Is there any makeup you can recommend that doesn’t rub off. It’s Christmas and I’ll be out and about and need to cover the tiredness?
      Lucy, Dublin

      Hi Lucy,
      I didn’t wear perfume for a while as the baby likes your smell and it makes them comfortable and secure. Rockstar tan and karora both have good fake tans that are safe and odourless. I also use Bare Minerals foundation. It gives great coverage and doesn’t rub off. It has SPF and buffs on like silk. It comes in 20 shades and is particularly good if you suffer from skin problems which I do. It will cover any signs of tiredness and have you feeling like new(if only temporary) Head to your nearest BT’s for a demonstration €25


      Visit Santa in his magical grotto every weekend from (3rd-24th) 12-4pm in December for a festive-themed visit to Dublin Zoo, proudly sponsored by Deep River Rock. The grotto will have reindeers and elves working hard in Santa’s workshop. Outside Santa’s grotto, the Great Lawn will be buzzing with a variety of festive fun including Christmas arts and crafts, face-painting and warm treats to enjoy. On selected dates*(10/11/17/18th) there will also be a giant Snow Globe with falling snow, where visitors will have an opportunity to have their photo taken inside to complete the Christmas experience! €8 pass holders


      Start a tradition you’ll have forever like leaving a present outside their room Christmas morning in the hope you might get a lie in one day each year!


      You can always stay in touch with me and other mothers through Facebook by clicking here and liking our page!


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