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      Forget oysters and dark chocolate, Nico and Sabine from leaves pasta magic are suggesting that with Valentines Day looming you can spark romance and seduce your loved one with a pasta dish!!

      Leaves pasta is a healthy aphrodisiac! PastaMagic is made with only two ingredients; chickpeas and buckwheat. Both ingredients are great sources of Manganese and Zinc which are minerals that place them among the best aphrodisiac foods available. Zinc also plays an important direct role in the development and proper functioning of the reproductive organs.

      With a cooking time of only five minutes this tasty meal will leave more time for loving!

      valentines, tasty thursday, alison canavan, leaves pasta, food, nutrition, zinc, simple recipes, easy meals

      Leaves penne with ginger, lime and Roses

      • Put a pot of salted water to boil and put the pasta in when ready.
      • Thinly cut some onions and put in a second pot adding in Irish butter, then add a teaspoon of lime zest (don’t use the white part as it is bitter) and freshly grated ginger.
      • Let this cook over medium heat and add a couple of tablespoons of the pasta cooking water.
      • Drain the pasta after just 4 minutes and put in the pan to finish cooking with the sauce and a bit more cooking water to make the sauce creamy and delicate.
      • When ready squeeze in the juice of half a lime and the fresh mint. Finish with a touch of pepper (and some fresh chillies if you like it spicy!) and serve when still hot.
      • Consider dressing the dish with edible roses for that final touch of romance.

      Enjoy and Happy Valentines Day

      Ali xxx

      (*Leaves recently won as Best Irish Food & Drink Startup of the year 2015 at the prestigious Bank of Ireland Startup Awards, Leaves PastaMagic was runner-up in the Product of the Show Award by Speciality Fine Food Fair Ireland, Sabine won as Best Female Entrepreneur 2014 awarded by the Local Enterprise Office Dublin City and Nico has been a finalist as Irish Best Young Entrepreneur 2014 for Dublin City.)

      PastaMagic (RRP€1.99) is currently available in SuperValu and speciality stores nationwide or via,

      #PastaMagic –





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