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      CORK SHOW FRONT OF INVITEHONDA CORK BACK OF INVITEI’m delighted to be hosting my first Honda ladies evening in Cork in association with Johnson and Perrott on Thursday October 16th.

      This show is part of a nationwide series in association with Honda, the evening will showcase the latest in fashion and parenting with wine and food for all.

      Model agent, personality and businesswoman Celia Holman-Lee will be joining me on the evening to host a styling workshop, giving great style tips and advice to ladies on the night. Their will also be a Fashion Show with all looks available from the top fashion stores in Mahon Point shopping center.

      Benefit Cosmetics Make-Up will be on stage showing mums how good eyebrows can shape your face and take away the signs of tiredness.

      Mary Jane McKenna, beauty columnist with The Cork independent and beauty Editor with Hi Magazine will then share with the audience her secrets to acing the perfect base and how to contour like a pro with her trademark Glambox.

      Hairstylist Sabrina Hill of the award winning Kopper Hair Salon will also share her tips on how to style hair fabulous. Whether it’s wavy locks or fast volume Sabrina shares her secrets from her popular YouTube tutorials in clear easy steps.

      In the area of Parenting and Childhood, Alison is delighted to welcome Val Mullally MA, founder of Koemba. Val will be discussing a Coaching Approach to Parenting, and through her work promotes the support of families to think, connect and behave in a more clear and compassionate manner in order to live more joyfully. Leading parenting retailers Tony Kealy’s will talk about car seat safety and Christine Carolan from will be showcasing her new products.

      This is definitely an evening not to be missed with great spot prizes, goodie bags including Oh Baby magazine, MAM and spatone products to name just a few. There will also be a special Benefit Cosmetics hamper for Best Dressed Lady on the night. The ladies of Cork will enjoy an evening of expert advice, fashion, food and wine.

      This event takes place at Johnson & Perrott’s state-of-the-art Showrooms in the Mahon Point Retail Park, Cork. heres a link to our last show:

      Numbers for this Ladies Evening are limited, so to confirm your free ticket you can contact the team at Johnson & Perrott on or (021) 4615220

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