Mindfulness really is a hot topic of conversation at the moment which is why I have teamed up with Sports Philosophy for #mindfulmarch.
A lot of people might think that mindfulness is just another buzzword that will pass, however, mindfulness is actually a very important movement for our current age of distraction and disconnection.
Where we are in society is very noisy and busy. People are sick and stressed and there is a real need for people to have some quiet time in order to live a more balanced and integrative lifestyle.
Giving yourself that essential space even for just a few minutes each day allows you see the world through a different lens. The benefits range from lower stress, increased empathy, emotional maturity, better digestion, better relationships with yourself and others, increased confidence, concentration, productivity and the list goes on!

Sports Philosophy is an ethical luxury active wear brand offering beautiful performance clothing for the stylishly fit men and women. Every piece is made with carefully sourced Italian fabrics and designed to enhance your workout, all whilst making you look good.
The label is also deeply passionate about doing good too and the creator of the brand, Stella, sees the world through a similar lens to me. They help to fight child labour, through their own charity, the Freedom for Children Foundation, which you can read more about here

Each week in March we will be bringing you a simple but effective tip on how to include mindfulness into your every day life. The theme is reconnection so we will be looking at reconnecting with our food, our breath, and the world around you and of courses ourselves.
You will have seen week one above so here’s week 2 where I encourage you to reconnect with what we put into our body and why mindful eating is so important.
In week 3 we will look at reconnecting to nature and in week 4 we will look at reconnecting with you through the act of appreciation and gratitude. Keep an eye on my social media for updates
Till then
Shine Bright
Ali xxx