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      If one more person asks ‘have you got your baby into a routine yet?’ I think I’ll scream. I’m well aware that a good routine is best for the baby, and you in the long run, but the pressure to be the perfect parent gets a bit much sometimes. I’ve read Gina Fords ‘The Contented little baby book’ and Tracy Hoggs ‘The Baby Whisperer’ and decided to give a combination of both a go. I was so exhausted trying to time everything and make sure I was on schedule that I almost forgot James was a real person.

      Now that’s not to say Babies don’t need routine because they do. Everyone thrives on some sort of routine. I relaxed a little and followed the general rules: Feed, change, play, sleep. I’m pretty lucky, as James seemed to settle into his own routine more or less. As I got to know him, I began to notice the difference in his cries, the hunger cry the most obvious of all! I let James feed until he was full, played for a bit and then when I saw he was getting tired put him down. This wasn’t exactly on the correct timeline “bookwise” but seemed to be working. The window for sleep did seem to elude me a lot though; I’m either way to early or way too late. The slumber bear from is a great help. It actually has authentic womb sounds to help lull your baby to sleep.

      However, as a new Mum and with plenty of Aunties around, I had a feeling James might be getting a little spoilt although I’m not too sure you can spoil a newborn as you just want to kiss them to death. He was being rocked to sleep and walked around. He refused a soother and instead was using my boob as comfort.

      Time to take control. James didn’t bawl when I left him to settle himself or cry that much when I took him off the boob so its makes me question, because I’m the new Mum and a little nervous am I the one looking for comfort from James and not James looking to be comforted by me?

      Baby Massage

      Alison Canavan's Baby MassageThere’s no better feeling in the world than the first time your baby smiles up at you. It’s a fuzzy warm feeling that makes you smile from your head to your toes. When I was looking for ways to bond with James I came across Baby Massage.

      How good does a massage feel to you as an adult? You feel so relaxed and sleep like a baby! Ha ha I thought, that saying must have come from somewhere? James and I had a private session and attended group classes. I really enjoyed both but I’m a people person and love to chat to other mums. I also find that for me being around people helps to ward off my baby blues.

      James loves being massaged. He sleeps much better and it definitely strengthens the parental bond. Baby massage is an ancient art. Its helps with bonding, relaxation for baby and mom and relief from colic. It can also help with the baby’s development and postnatal depression. My teacher Leemore is a mother of two and has 20 years experience working with children. She is so kind and caring, which has enhanced the experience even more.

      The course runs over 5 classes once a week. The massage strokes are taught in stages so the baby becomes used to touch. During the course you get the oil, which Leemore makes herself. The classes are held in the Dublin holistic center and cost 125 euro (you can get 100 euro back from your insurance depending on your plan) Contact: Baby massage is available throughout Ireland simply log onto:


      Every Mum’s must have products

      Baby Bee BathI love these products as they’re 100% natural.

      They do a great range for babies including shampoo, nappy cream, and baby powder.
      Baby Bee Bubble Bath
      RSP €12.95.

      All Burt’s Bees Baby Products are available from Health stores and Pharmacies Nationwide.

      Little PoppitJames loved this soft classical music to help him get to sleep.

      Even Mum drifted off to these CD’s from well known composers Mozart, Bach and Brahms.

      Great for the car when you’re stuck in traffic or in the evning to help soothe and calm.

      Available online at for €9.40

      Personalized SoothersPersonalized soothers: Just think if you have twins or more than one child there’s no more confusion over who owns the soother!

      Available from @ 22euros.

      Snuggle Pouch BlueThese snuggle pouches are perfect to keep your baby safe and warm.

      Receive €5 off at baby elegance Dundrum when you mention this website.

      (One voucher per customer).

      RRP €21.95. Available from

      The Baby WhispererTracy has worked with over 5,000 babies and in this book she provides solutions to all your baby care difficulties, including the Big Three: sleeping, feeding and behaviour.

      The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems by Tracy Hogg with Melinda Blau (Vermilion, Paperback) €17.15 and it’s available at Easons and good bookstores nationwide.

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