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      Calling all parents… enter the incredible world of make believe this christmas with Santa’s little buddy. It’s ideal for children aged 4-12 years and is definitely one of the most exciting products I have seen this year! 

      This is the brain child of Joanna Fortune  (Director, Solamh Parent-Child Relationship Clinic).

      Santa’s little buddy is a unique pack designed to explore magical play. It includes a daily journal for the month of December, a Christmas story, a magic poem, a wall chart with stickers and a step by step guide written by Joanna which explains in detail to parents, how to make the most of the pack.

      “Using imagination enables children to develop on their impulse controls, reasoning skills, patience and the importance of emotional self regulation”, explains Joanna.

      “With the help of SANTA’S LITTLE BUDDY, parents can utilise the magic of Christmas to invest in their child’s development of these life skills and at the same time reinforce and encourage good behaviour rather than threatening to report back on bad behavior”.

      So this year, let this wonderful product allow you the opportunity to invest in your child’s development of crucial life skills and also help you to regulate the long over-stimulated Christmas build up!

      Line up the Teddy’s, take out the magic poem and lets see what giggle magic is created in your house this December!

      IMG_0739James chose his seal to be Santa’s little buddy as he’s used to the cold! As you can see he is clinging to the seal now for dear life.






      My favourite part of this pack is spending real quality time with your kids and sharing some magical memories you’ll have forever.

      The SANTA’S LITTLE BUDDY pack is €26 and for all my readers if you enter my name into the comments box when you order they will automatically send you a bumper pack!

      They can be purchased on-line at with FREE Standard Postage within ROI. The pack can also be purchased directly from the Solamh Clinic.

      5% of profits will go to To Russia With Love and Aoibhinn’s Pink Tie

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