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      We all know how sleep deprivation affects us and that’s even before we have children. It can be very difficult to function on very little sleep. They used to use sleep deprivation as a form of torture during the war. I now know why!! Children don’t come with manuals and each and every child is different and that goes for siblings too. Understanding more about sleep and your child will help you back on the road to getting some much needed rest.

      I’m delighted to introduce Lucy Wolfe. She is Irelands only Gentle Sleep Coach and is a full time sleep consultant and mum of four young children, specialising in infant and child sleep problems that parent’s experience and need assistance in solving.

      Lucy can help you identify areas affecting your child’s sleep and gently unlock your child’s natural ability to sleep through the night and nap during the day, without leaving them to cry alone with many years experience and a proven track record of success.

      She is a trained, certified and insured sleep consultant. She has completed extensive training and education and undergoes continuing professional development to stay up to date with recent research and development in the field of sleep.

      She has completed the Gentle Sleep Consultation Program (USA), additionally, She has a certification in Child Sleep Consultancy accredited by the OCN (UK) and has attended the Naturally Nurturing Sleep Clinic, (UK).

      Furthermore, she has under-taken specific training and certification to help families of children aged 4 to 5 months, gently foster and shape healthy sleep habits.  She is also a Certified Happiest Baby, New Parent Educator, specialising in teaching techniques to calm crying and help newborn babies to sleep longer.  She holds a certification in Post Natal Depression accredited by OCN (UK).

      She is the current European Director of the Association of Professional Sleep Consultants; a member of The International Association of Child Sleep Consultants and the Irish Sleep Society.

      She is a regular guest on RTE, The Today afternoon television show (2014).  She has completed a sleep television series on TV3′s Ireland Am titled “Baby Bedtime Basics” (2013) and have appeared on The Morning Show (2012) and Midday (2014) as a sleep expert.  Her work has also been featured on many occasions in The Irish Times, The Irish Daily Mail, The Sunday Business Post, The Evening Echo, The Farmers Journal, The Irish Independent, The Irish Examiner,  The UCC Express, VIP Magazine, The Cork News as well as on Corks’ 96fm, 2mf, redfm, Newstalk, Today FM, RTE Radio 1, Waterford  FM, 98mf, Q102, Radio Kerry, Highlands Radio, Limerick FM and Spirit FM radio shows.

      She provides sleep articles to various publications and parenting websites, regularly contributing to The Irish Independent Mothers and Babies Magazine, Pregnancy and Parenting, Maternity and Infant Magazine,  Mums and Tots, Womans Way, Easy Parenting to name but a few. Furthermore she has worked with leading corporations such as Vodafone, Aviva, Cow and Gate, Danone, State Street, Citi bank, Pepsi Cola to help reduce sleep deprivation in the workplace.  I am the resident sleep expert for a number of consumer websites and regularly appears on national television and radio broadcasts around the country.

      Join her for sleep tips and updates –
      Sleep Matters-Help Your Child Sleep
      Unit 2 Reeds Court
      Barrack Street

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