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      As appears fortnightly in VIP Magazine.

      James turned one in September and we had a great day. However as a parent I had a million different emotions flowing through me. I was so excited for this special milestone but I was also sad that my baby was turning into a toddler. Why? Well, we spend most of the first year wishing for the next stage, sitting, crawling, standing etc. I remember spending hours trying to get him to hold a spoon and as soon as he did I was onto the next thing. I felt like a piece of paper being ripped in two, so excited about everything he’s about to do but I was also missing my little baby. My baby boy was growing so fast.

      The next day in a restaurant I soon forgot why I was upset and simply mourned the time that he sat still and smiled! I love going for lunch and coffee but the stress levels and gasps of horror from other customers have given me no option but to have cappuccino’s from a packet in the comfort of my own kitchen where James can play, have a bath in his food and screech and yelp in delight. He’s a great singer but no one else seems to appreciate this but me!

      If I time it perfectly between naps and when he’s really hungry we can make it work (tough though). I’ve noticed that a lot of coffee shops have no baby chairs so I decided to bring my own. I went through a few and then I found the Totseat…. The 1st totseat travel highchair was made from the lining of a wedding dress and the second from a sheet. Many prototypes later and after more than 900 testing experiences on a huge variety of chairs, the washable, squashable fabric highchair was born.

      It’s amazing how fast babies grow and change. I keep reminding myself that this too shall pass. Next thing I know he’ll be at school, then college and yes one day he’ll even leave me. We spend so much of our lives living in the past or dying for tomorrow. I’ve made a deal with myself to live for today, be present and enjoy every minute. As the saying goes ‘here today gone tomorrow’ so as a parent, live now, enjoy now and make every second count.


      This Lights and Sounds walker from the Early Learning Centre is €39.99.
      He pushes the balls through, dances to the music and goes for a stroll!

      I LOVE:

      Perfect for any chair anywhere!
      The Totseat folds up and fits in your bag.
      For more information on this seat and other styles in the range, see
      Available from, priced just at €29.99


      Hi Alison,
      I read that you had problems breastfeeding initially. I’m going through the same and was wondering if there were any products that truly helped soothe cracked sore nipples?
      Nicola, Dublin

      Hi Nicola,
      I can remember the toe curling pain but I got there and am still feeding. Multi-Mam compresses were amazing. They give immediate comfort and relief. They are 100% safe for the baby and also prevent against infection (mastitis). You will feel up to 80% improvement in just 2 days. I used to put them in the fridge for maximum effect. Most importantly they will support the natural healing process. Available from pharmacies nationwide €13.00


      Check out it’s a Mobile Pet Farm perfect for kid’s parties, family days, fundraisers and special events. They bring pigs, goats, lambs, hen’s chicks, rabbits and lots more. The animals will perform in “Jolly Jill the lonely Pig” or the “Animal Fashion Show” and you will get a chance to lead, feed, groom and pet the stars afterwards!! A kid’s dream…


      I always worry about James’ safety in the car and 3 out of 4 parents don’t fit their car seats properly, but did you know you can log onto and order a ‘Child Safety in Cars’ booklet and DVD FREE online or by phone at LoCall 1890 50 60 80


      You can always stay in touch with me and other mothers through Facebook by clicking here and liking our page!


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