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      For this weeks Tasty Thursday Maria from Life Cleanse is sharing her delicious recipe for Creamy Vanilla & Coconut Chia pudding.

      This Creamy Vanilla & Coconut Chia Pudding is the perfect back to school breakfast for kids (albeit a week late!) and also a simple sweet alternative to sugary cereals given the interest in the sugar crash programme that was on RTE on Monday evening and if you didn’t see it catch it on the Player as its truly eye opening!
      This creamy vanilla & coconut chia pudding is a great because:

      •  a sweet, but sugar free, breakfast for kids.
      • It’s also great for busy parents as it can soak overnight leaving zero prep time in the morning!
      • It is rich in antioxidants and provides calcium, magnesium, fibre, omega 3, protein and phosphorus. It also makes a great dessert!

      3 tablespoons organic whole chia seeds
      100mls almond milk
      Half a tsp organic vanilla extract
      1 tablespoon organic coconut flakes.


      Add the almond milk and vanilla extract to the chia seeds in a small bowl or ramekin dish. Stir well with a fork to separate the seeds and leave to soak for 3-4 hours (or overnight). Sprinkle the coconut flakes on top and enjoy!

      Time saving tip – these will keep in the fridge for up to three days so you can prep a few at a time for the days ahead.

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