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      If I wrote a book no one would believe it. They’d call it fiction based on the sheer amount of unbelievable things that happen to me on a daily basis. Every day I wake up and start with a blank canvas and attack the day just as it is: brand new. I’m quite pleased I do that and here’s why. The day I was moving house crèche rang to say James had chicken pox. It was also a week when all my family were away and I was at my busiest and most babysitters I called hadn’t had chicken pox and then the new house flooded! What’s great about all this is that now I know I can get through anything after getting through that week.
      Thankfully my itchy scratchy son is better. I felt so helpless as a Mum. He couldn’t sleep and was driven mad with scratching. He was rubbing his back against the couch, bum on the floor and really became quite inventive in his struggle to itch those hard to reach places. If it weren’t so sore it would be funny. I discovered Silver Sense clothing with Silver woven into it…the silver is antibacterial and has healing benefits. In fact silver is used in hospital garments to help heal various wounds. The pyjamas helped make James nights a lot easier and more comfortable.
      I’m so delighted to be in my little cottage. It was sad leaving mums after the past two years but I feel like a grown up again. However, I realized that a lot of things I used at home didn’t belong to me. My first morning in my cottage, I realized I had no hairdryer and had to do Midday on TV3. I ran home to blow dry my hair but that afternoon went shopping. Anyone with long hair like me will appreciate my new dryer as its 30% faster and when you’re juggling kids, work and life this makes a huge difference!

      FOR MUM

      Look healthy this winter with TanOrganics €19.99

      FOR BABY

      The lodger wrapper will become your most indispensible piece of baby paraphernalia €99.00

       SILVER SENSE PYJAMAS Silver Sense clothing is made from a unique blend of natural cotton and silver fibres which help to heal skin and reduce the irritation of skin conditions such as eczema. Designed with both healing and style in mind €49.00

      HAIRDRYER: I love my new Remington Stylist TURBO 2200. It has 2 turbo fans that provide optimum airflow and temperature and makes the daily chore of blow-drying a joy! €49.99


      Hi Alison,
      I’m expecting my first child and have had a tough first trimester. Its also coming into winter and I wanted to give myself a glow. What fake tan would you recommend that’s safe during pregnancy?
      Eilish, Dublin

      Hi Eilish,
      Congratulations and the worst is over! I suffered very bad morning sickness and it can be very draining. I recommend TanOrganics as it’s the worlds first and only eco certified tan after recently gaining accreditation from the well-known Ecocert group. It is 84% Aloe Vera based and with no parabens, preservatives, alcohol or fragrances it will give you a beautiful natural looking tan without all the chemical nasties.



      GETTING some sleep advice from Niamh O’Reilly WATCHING Olly The Little White Van, which just launched on TG4. This cartoon is all about inspiring young children to follow Olly’s lead by having fun whilst helping others and reinforces a variety of positive parenting messages. (Pic here of OLLY) LOGGING ONTO for any unanswered questions from bump to birth and beyond

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