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      As always I had a great night at The VIP style awards on Friday. 2015 has already been a year of huge changes in my life. I’m achieving more than ever before and I’m becoming more and more comfortable in my own skin. This is down to an awful lot of hard work in the past few years but recently dots were joined and the penny dropped!

      red carpet

      My friend and designer Catriona Hanly dressed me and I adore her designs. She’s incredibly talented and has known me for many years. I decided since I now have short hair I wanted to have fun and take a risk. I wore a tailored velvet satin suit from Catriona’s studio 54 collection coming out later this year with matching shorts and her signature “Parisian Thachter Pussy Cat” blouse.

      red carpet 3

      Walking the red carpet is always fun and I love bumping into people I haven’t seen all year. I’m studying a lot lately and being a busy mum nights out are rare. I was well behaved though this year as I had to be up for college on Saturday morning early. My friend Karen came with me and we had a lovely table including Keith and Lisa Duffy. I love Lisa she has a great sense of humour and always makes me laugh. The big award of the night went to Pippa O’Connor who’s hugely successful website has gained her a loyal and ever increasing number of fashion fans. Her website is all about fashion and beauty and she now travels the country doing workshops called Pippas fashion factory. It would have been her late Mums birthday the next day so the award meant a lot to her for so many reasons so a huge congrats xx


      Other winners on the night included Rory Cowan for best dressed man, Jennifer McGuire for best dressed on the night and Lisa Fitzpatrick for Look of The Year. I bumped into Lottie and Bonnie Ryan on the red carpet and both girls looked incredible as always. Lottie was wearing another one of my favourite designers Umit Kutluk and Bonnie was wearing H&M and boy did they wear them well.

      lottie and bonnie

      As always the team at VIP worked incredibly hard so a huge thank you to all of them. I also want to thank Peter Mark for doing my hair


      and Kirstie from Lancome for my make up.


      My nails were Calgel by and I had a delicious Body wrap at during the week. I’m not 21 anymore so it takes a little more time and effort to get awards ready but as always the most important part is sleep, good food, meditation and exercise. After all how you treat yourself and what you feed yourself directly affects how you look and feel!! Ali xxx

      HERES A SHORT VIDEO WHERE interviewed me

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