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      As I have been facialist and skincare specialist for over 20 years I get asked quite a lot by
      my clients ‘Virginie, Why should I choose a natural skincare or makeup?’

      Virginie Claire Group
      Virginie Claire (Right)

      My answer is simply ‘Why not choose a natural quality product if you have the choice?’ It is up to us to take control of our skin through:

      • Consistency and Commitment
      • Ingredients
      • Knowledge & Education

      There can be a lot of confusion and concern regarding ingredients in our cosmetics, one of
      the most talked about is parabens. Here I hope to inform not alarm you on what they are and why they are used in cosmetics. So you can choose your products based on an informed choice. Virginie, V Claire Natural Cosmetics.

      What are parabens?

      Parabens have been in use since the 1950, and are frequently added to cosmetics to prevent the growth of bacteria. The majority of cosmetics use a combination of them because they are cheap and effective.

      What are parabens made of?

      Parabens are man made, they are a chemical compound of para-hydroxybenzoic acid. They regroup into methylparaben, propylparaben and butylparaben.

      What are the effect of parabens on our wellbeing?

      Parabens are xenoestrogens, meaning they mimic oestrogens in the body and unsetle the body natural hormones. Also, they can be stored in the body, resulting in a cumulative effect that can damage health overtime.

      This overload of oestrogens has been linked to health issues such as breast cancer and reproductive disfunction, including early onset of puberty and reduced sperm count.

      What is the natural alternative to parabens?

      Many ingredients can be used to preserve cosmetics such as:

      Benzyl Alcohol, Salicylic acid, glycerin, sorbic acid, essential oils such as thyme, oregano, rosemary, clove cinnamon, tea tree and many more.

      Using a few parabens is harmless, but using a multple amount of cosmetcs including parabens may afect your wellbeing.

      Take control of your skin and wellbeing by KNOWING THE INGREDIENTS your cosmetic is made of. Be curious and ask questions, then you can make the right choice.


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