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      Alison Canavan 12/6/2014

      I absolutely love Coast and when I saw this dress I knew it was perfect. I also wore it for a fashion show so have had my eye on it for a while. Its €120 and in stores now.

      I love the little cardigan in navy and they also have it in black. Its great for the summer months and has a beautiful sheer back making it great for dressing up or down.

      The headpiece is William Chambers for Coast. Its €55 which I think is very well priced for a designer headpiece. It was incredibly comfortable to wear and for a summers evening I didn’t want to be too OTT so I felt it was nice and delicate.

      I wore my new nude suede shoes from Karen Millen and when I was presenting the prizes I sunk into the grass making the heels mucky and did I spray them with protector?? Of course not! Any tips on cleaning suede is much appreciated???


      Coast - Floret €120



      Coast - WILLIAM CHAMBERS Pink Bow €55










      I’ll have more racewear looks every Friday so see you next week,

      Ali xxx




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