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      Slide1We’re excited at SpireVision Studio to be offering great headshots for both actors and models and indeed anyone who needs one. Having been in the industry for over 20 years I understand just how important a good headshot is. It’s your business card and the last thing you leave with your client. We want to help Actors and Models achieve their goals by providing high end, top industry standard headshots that stand out in their simplicity and quality.

      The most important parts of any headshot are a natural connection with the camera, the subject looking their best, and a perfect balance of lighting, expression, and sparkle. We have a great team and are experts at making sure everyone that sits for us is comfortable, that they trust in us to capture them at their best, and that they are enjoying themselves.

      Our Goal for every session

      At the end of every session, we want the subject to leave sure in the knowledge that we have provided a great service. We want their final images to delight them, and to meet every standard that is asked from us.

      What we currently provide

      Individual Sessions: €99

      • Full Studio Session (45 mins – 1 hr)
      • 3 Professionally edited and retouched images on CD.
      • Delivered in both Colour versions, and complimentary Black  & White versions.
      • In both High-Resolution, and Low-Resolution for Email, and Social Media use.
      • Styling and Make-Up advice (if you would like a Make-Up Artist, we can arrange it)
      • Optional Printing Service.

      Light Make-Up and Hair: €60                      

      Group Sessions: Per Person price available on request

      • An Agency or Group may book ½ day and full day sessions.
      • A per person price can be arranged with significant discounts
      • 3 Professionally edited and retouched images on CD per person
      • Delivered in both Colour versions, and complimentary Black  & White versions.
      • In both High-Resolution, and Low-Resolution for Email, and Social Media use.
      • Styling and Make-Up advice (if you would like a Make-Up Artist, we can arrange it)
      • Optional Printing Service.


      Light Make-Up and Hair: A time based, or per person price can be arranged, with discounts.

       Contact: Myself through the website here or book directly info@spirevisionstudio – 087 984464 (Pearse)


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