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      placenta-picture-d-300x240 PLACENTA encapsulation only came to my attention recently through Lisa O’Leary from I also have a friend who drank     her placenta in a smoothie because of the post-birth health benefits.

      It can lead to an increase in energy and in the amount of milk produced. It can    also slow down or even stop postpartum haemorrhaging. This leads to an  overall faster recovery post-birth.

      In my opinion we are pretty much kept in the dark when expecting our first    baby here in Ireland. If I was blessed with another baby, there are so many  things I would do differently, including getting my placenta turned into  capsules.

      Having suffered from postnatal depression first time round I would try everything to help prevent it. Consuming the placenta in raw smoothies or in capsules allows the mother to replace the essential nutrients and hormones lost during birth and it may entirely prevent post-natal depression.

      Studies have shown that the symptoms of post-natal depression are linked to a severe lack of essential nutrients such as vitamin B6 and the hormone CRH (the stress reducer hormone), both of which are in plentiful supply in the placenta.

      The placenta itself has long been thought of as a magical part of the creation of a baby as it physically connects the mother to the unborn child, feeding essential oxygen, nutrients and vitamins to the child.

      During and after the birth, women lose one eighth to one tenth of their blood supply from the bleeding wound which is left inside the uterus, where the placenta was previously attached for nine months.

      It’s believed that if you consume the placenta, you can make up for this loss as it provides the new mother with essential fats, protein, vast amounts of iron, and essential hormones which help to heal the wounds and help the body recover.

      The benefits of consuming the placenta are now being rediscovered and scientists are beginning to study placentophagy. With this in mind, you should try to deliver the placenta naturally and keep it safe until encapsulation. Many of the hospitals now regularly administer an artificial hormone-based injection, Syntometrine, to speed up the third stage of labour and the delivery of the placenta, especially when the baby is being delivered by Caesarean section.Dried placenta powder was recognised as a potent medicine in Europe for centuries and was used to treat and cure many ailments, mostly related to birth. However since the late 19th century most natural birthing methods have been replaced by modern techniques and, as a result, traditions were lost.

      You should see if it’s possible to avoid this to prevent artificial hormones presenting in the blood and the placental tissues.

      However, the Syntometrine injection does not prevent you from benefiting from placenta encapsulation nor do Caesarean section births. I recommend researching it fully through on It generally ranges from €150 to €300 per encapsulation. Some specialists are able to offer a discount for those in financial difficulties — so do ask for details.



      ALI XX


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