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      healthy lifestyle


      So this may come as a surprise to most people but BEING HEALTHY DOES NOT HAVE TO MEAN LIFE WILL BECOME BORING!!!

      Believe me this was also my greatest fear after all for years I perceived exercise as hard work and eating healthy food as a boring and a tasteless waste of time. I also thought happiness could be found at a party, when I booked my next big gig or indeed when I became accepted by my peers, so yes very sadly I worried what people thought of me. I searched for years and years for that slippery sucker called happiness but it felt that every time I got near it, well, it disappeared again.

      Being healthy was the last thing on my mind as i never really thought that being healthy meant that much. Now I realise that I really didn’t value myself and probably didn’t feel like I deserved to be healthy and happy.

      You see being happy is not something you can buy, a place you can travel too or indeed a company you can be employed by! It’s inside of us all already but we need to mind it and nourish it with a good lifestyle and good life choices.

      The way I see it is that for years I worked hard at partying and sabotaging things for myself and the end result was depression and anxiety but now I spend time and work hard at being the best I can be and the reward for all this hard work is vitality, energy, contentment and excitement every day for what’s coming next!

      Being healthy is the single greatest gift I have ever given myself. But my advice is that small changes make a big difference so don’t try to overhaul your lifestyle overnight.

      Here are some great starting points:

      1. Find an exercise you actually like

      2. Drink more water and start each day with lemon water

      3. Get enough sleep!!

      4. Be grateful – write down 5 things each day you are grateful for.

      5. Nourish your body with fresh foods – every thing you eat becomes a part of who you are!!

      Start simple and build from there. Feeling good feels so good that it is definitely something I want to hang on to.

      So take the first steps and learn to love yourself and in turn you’ll start to love your life. Believe me you won’t regret it!

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