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      heatons, festive fashion, affordable fashion, kidswear, kids fashion

      I popped into Heaton’s Stores last week to pick up some festive fashion for James and I wasn’t disappointed. I picked up and entire outfit and jammies for under €100. The aviator jackets above are €20 and the denims are €14. The brown mocassin boots are currently reduced to €10 online. Besides their collection being well priced, its also beautiful and great quality. James is growing really fast and he comes home daily with holes in his trousers and I find with stores like Heaton’s I can keep him in great clothes that are trendy, comfortable and look great.

      Girls fashion, heatons, kidswear, festive fashion, parenting, clothes for kids, affordable fashion for children

      It’s times like this I’d love to be dressing a little girl as their dresses are simply stunning ranging from €18 to €20. You can get a full Christmas outfit including shoes and coat for under €50.


      As well as party dresses heatons also have great novelty items like cuddly fleeces and winter woolies and their pyjamas (below from €9 and robes €10) were just too cute to pass by.

      heatons, kids fashion, parenting, festive fashion, kidswear

      As well as great fashion, footwear and accessories they also have a lovely range for babies too.

      HEATONS, kids fashion, festive fashion, affordable kidswear

      The new kid’s collection is available in stores nationwide right now and online from November. Heatons online store offers customers free click and collect to store and free delivery on all orders over €30.00 which means you can shop from the comfort of your own home with no little people running off in store.


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