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Begin Your Journey With Alison

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      As children growing up we can become what we hear and quite often we hear negative things about ourselves that we own and then they become a part of us.

      As a young model I got a lot of positive comments but if one photographer or casting director said something negative that is what I would hold onto. I remember a very well known photographer telling me I had man hands that were unnatural and then a designer who told me was body was completely out of proportion and my legs were actually quite short for my height and I seemed to have an abnormally long torso! Of course every time I went to a casting I would try to hide my hands and if tops were too short on my upper body I would think to myself “well Alison that’s because your body is disproportionate”

      At 37 this evokes so many emotions for my younger self but primarily sadness that I carried around such nonsense for so long but what it also shows is how people can be very irresponsible with their words and as the saying goes “be sure to taste your words before you spit them out”.

      Words can stay with you forever and anyone who has been in a relationship of any kind and experienced emotional abuse will know exactly what I mean by this.

      So for this, my first ‘MINDFUL MONDAY’ lets all try and be kinder and nicer with our words about each other and ourselves. Our words have both meaning and strength.

      This week write a list of 10 things you like about yourself. They can be big things or small and they don’t necessarily have to be about your looks so for example:

      • I love my smile
      • I love my legs
      • I like my hair
      • I love my sense of humor
      • I like my musical talents
      • I’m a great dancer
      • I’m artistic
      • I can say NO when I need too
      • I’m honest
      • I’m a great mum!! (yes say it loud and proud)

      Have fun with your list and have on your journey of becoming the most complete and best version of YOU!

      Ali xxxx

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