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      Stella & Dot 50

      Since coming to our shores Stella and Dot has taken Ireland by storm and its easy to see why. The Jewellery is fantastic and there really is something for everyone. The price range and quality speaks for itself so if you’re looking to jazz up your wardrobe this summer and be bang on trend log onto

      My summer pick!! Coral Cay Necklace €98
      My summer pick!! Coral Cay Necklace €98

      The launch was great fun and very dangerous being surrounded by lots of fantastic jewellery, food and wine!! I didn’t come home empty handed and this is my favourite piece (above) at the moment. Its perfect for any summer outfit and takes a white dress right from day through to night… just add heels!!

      Some well known faces at the event were Lisa Fitzpatrick who just launched her new book DietSOS last night, Glenda Gilson popped in along with my lovely work pals from the Daily Mail Linda Maher and Leslieann Horgan. PR guru Tara O’Connor is looking after the brand here in Ireland and did a great job on the night. I’m already excited about their autumn/winter collection and son’t worry I’ll be sure to keep you posted!!

      Joanne Rochford and Siobhan Grogan at The  Stella & Dot Jewellery launch at The Marker Hotel,DublinPic:Brian McEvoy

      Joanne Rochford and Siobhan Grogan at The Stella & Dot Jewellery launch at The Marker Hotel, Dublin
      Pic:Brian McEvoy
      Emma Mullane and Sinead O Connor at The  Stella & Dot Jewellery launch at The Marker Hotel,DublinPic:Brian McEvoy
      Emma Mullane and Sinead O Connor at The Stella & Dot Jewellery launch at The Marker Hotel,Dublin
      Pic:Brian McEvoy
      Alison Canavan and Sandra Byrne at The  Stella & Dot Jewellery launch at The Marker Hotel,DublinPic:Brian McEvoy
      Alison Canavan and Sandra Byrne at The Stella & Dot Jewellery launch at The Marker Hotel,Dublin
      Pic:Brian McEvoy


      Amy Hamilton ang Gilly Staunton  at The  Stella & Dot Jewellery launch at The Marker Hotel,DublinPic:Brian McEvoy
      Amy Hamilton ang Gilly Staunton at The Stella & Dot Jewellery launch at The Marker Hotel,Dublin
      Pic:Brian McEvoy
      Brenda O Leary ,Lisa Fitzpatrick and Fiona Faherty  at The  Stella & Dot Jewellery launch at The Marker Hotel,DublinPic:Brian McEvoy
      Brenda O Leary ,Lisa Fitzpatrick and Fiona Faherty at The Stella & Dot Jewellery launch at The Marker Hotel,Dublin
      Pic:Brian McEvoy
      Kathleen Mitchell  and Ruth Monahan  at The  Stella & Dot Jewellery launch at The Marker Hotel,DublinPic:Brian McEvoy
      Kathleen Mitchell and Ruth Monahan at The Stella & Dot Jewellery launch at The Marker Hotel,Dublin
      Pic:Brian McEvoy


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