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      Trips to the doctor, antibiotics and a lot less money in my pocket now. As a parent in Ireland sometimes you literally can’t breathe without spending money. To top it off my friend in London who’s a working Mum of two proudly declared that her childcare is free and oh yeah so is the doctor. My mind wandered off to sandy beaches and cocktails when I dreamt of what I could do with all the extra money I would have each month if I lived anywhere else at all.

      However I did decide to live here so my aim is to do everything to keep myself healthy and happy of course. James now sleeps in my bed all the time and if I were being honest I wouldn’t have it any other way. He wakes in the middle of the night and asks for a tug (hug) or a tuddle (cuddle) and my heart melts. I know this age won’t last forever so I’m trying to enjoy every minute. However life is not all plain sailing as James’ acting has improved dramatically. I asked my sister Laura who’s an actress had she been giving him secret lessons but she said no! He stands there pre fake tantrum trying with all his might to squeeze a tear out and then just as the tear breaks through he drops to the ground for the grand finale. I have learnt/chosen to ignore this at home but in the doctors I was shocked when this was coupled with “dut up!!” Excuse me I said trying to hold in the laughter from pure shock. When I asked him where he heard it he said Spongebob. I explained it was bold and made me feel sad. Now every few minutes James asks me am I sad and declares that he’s happy and wants me to be happy. I have reassured him I’m probably the happiest Mum in the world and have decided heck if I don’t feel it I’ll fake it. Anything for my little man and hey as the saying goes fake it till you feel it!!!


      As mothers day approaches I love this Bia Beauty Mother & Baby gift set contains eye gel for a sleep-deprived new mum, a luxurious body butter that will diminish stretch marks and is perfect for a relaxing massage, and baby cream which can be used all over the body to soothe and comfort the little one and encourage sleep. €45 from and pharmacies nationwide.


      Finally a vest that’s actually discreet for breastfeeding! Marianne Valiente, creator of Feed Me Mummy said “after the confidence issues I had with breastfeeding in public, when I came up with this vest I just had to share it with other Mums” I wish it had been 2 years ago!!



      Hi Alison,

      I was wondering if you ever used a sling with James. There’s so many to choose from and are they really worth it?


      Angela, Cork


      Hi Angela,

      I tried so many slings and actually found them great. You need to find one that suits you. Its fantastic to keep them close and you also have your hands free.. Imagine! Check out They will lend you slings from all over the world till you figure out which one you like. Cherish me have also just introduced the Award-winning ERGObaby carrier. It’s really comfortable to wear and most importantly holds the baby in the correct position to support baby’s hip, pelvis, and spine growth. ERGOBABY keeps baby safe, close, and comfortable and allows you to enjoy your bonding experience with your baby and you can even be breast feed while babies in the carrier. Unlike many carriers on the market this one can be worn 3 ways on your front, hip or on your back and holds a child up to 20kg!


      FOR MUM:

      ERGOBABY CARRIER €134.90 


      FOR MUM:

      Get your body set for Summer with Total Body Lift, €46 by Clarins



      SUPPORTING ARC Cancer Support Centre for their inaugural “Green Nose Day” on the 9th of March 2013. Green noses will be sold both inside and outside the Aviva Stadium for 2 EURO before the Ireland v France rugby match. ARC Cancer Support Centre provides support to people affected by cancer and their loved ones and they helped my family enormously when my own Dad was sick. WEARING Alex and Ani eco-friendly, positive energy stacking bracelets made with positive intentions. A perfect gift for new Mums. Choose Mom for generosity, heroism and love.

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