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      This weeks #WellnessWednesday features Katherine Ormerod, when we first met I felt an instant connection with her because of her genuine interest in and support of women.


      Katherine Ormerod City

      Editorial Director and Brand Consultant Katherine Ormerod is behind, a digital destination for women to share their challenges and triumphs both in and out of the office. The site intends to add a dose of reality to the social media conversation and operate as an anti-perfectionism platform.

      1. How would you describe your lifestyle?

      Highly varied and fulfilling.

      2. What’s your favourite food? Naughty or nice.

      It’s always going to be naughty in the moment and nice on reflection!

      3. Do you exercise and if so what do you do to keep fit?

      I do a lot of Reformer Pilates and hot yoga. Until recently I did a lot of cardio too— abs & ass, trampolining etc – but have calmed that down as Im trying to conceive. The focus is cortisol reducing not enhancing exercise for me at the moment.

      4. How do you find balance in your day-to-day life?

      It’s never easy and it takes discipline. I have acupuncture twice a month and really try and take at least 3/5 lunch breaks — ideally taking a 40 minute walk without my phone. Over-scheduling is my real out-of-balance downfall, so it’s about being really strict about how much I put into my calendar and prioritizing things that really matter.

      5. How do you manage stress in your life? Do you meditate? Have you ever tried it?

      I do a lot of night time meditation to help me sleep if my mind is spinning –I often wake up at 3am-4am and I find sleep meditation is the only way I can drop back off.

      6. People often set goals or intentions as they go through life. Is this something you do?

      I’m a huge fan of manifestation and am highly goal orientated. In fact, I’m trying to be more spontaneous and less fixed in my path. I have however, always believed that you can only manifest and focus on one thing at once — it cant be find a new boyfriend, get a promotion, buy a flat… You have to take your journey one step at a time and ensure all decisions you make go back to that one solitary goal instead of splitting your energy across multiple targets.

      7. How do you unwind after a busy day?

      I cook and iron. I know that sounds regressive, but I find doing domestic tasks very relaxing and just love being at home. I am out with work around three nights a week, so ironing in front of the TV or chopping veg is an amazing way for me to shut my brain down and just do repetitive actions.

      8. It’s the weekend, what do you do for fun?

      An early morning class then brunch with girlfriends. I’ll then come home for a rest — either a lazy nap or TV with my boyfriend. We might do some home improvement then we’ll mosey down to Notting Hill and meet friends for drinks and dinner. Sunday morning always starts with cinema at the Electric and a cinnamon bun from Fabrique. We’ll then head to Queen’ Park Farmer’s Market and get some fresh veg and flowers and invite friends over for a Sunday roast. Weekends are calm and open ended — if we’re not abroad or away with family, it’s all about relaxation.


      Katherine Ormerod Beach

      9. What’s your top health tip for our readers?

      To give yourself a break. I have been incredibly, incredibly productive at times of my life and held myself up to impossible standards. I think it is very easy to become competitively busy and you can always do more. I could post more on my site or pick up extra clients to make more money, but I choose to prioritize my free time and keep things on an even keel.

      10. Finish the sentence – Being complete for me means…

      accepting myself for my both my failures and success.

      To keep up with the latest from Katherine follow her below:



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