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      Award winning TV presenter Anna Daly hit our screens in 2008 and she has been warming hearts in Irish homes ever since. She has recently moved from weekday mornings on TV3’s Ireland Am to the weekend where she is hosting her own shows Saturday and Sunday AM.

      She has been granted interviews with some of my favourite stars including Will Ferrell, Steve Carell and our very own Colin Farrell to name but a few, but I wanted to see how Anna balances being a busy working mum to her two beautiful boys James and Euan.

      Anna Daly, Tv presenter, wellness wednesday, irish celebrity, TV3 , Ireland AM, weekend AM

      How would you describe your lifestyle?

      A bit hectic but I wouldn’t have it any other way! As the Mum of two small boys (James is four and Euan is two) I have a busy home life so I come to work for a break! I’m thrilled to have launched my own show this year in Saturday AM and Sunday AM and as the anchor of both shows there is a certain responsibility that comes with that position. You get to put your own stamp on the show in a way so my input to that is important to me. Thankfully I have a wonderful hubby who keeps things going behind the scenes and super support from my family on both sides. 

      What’s your favorite food? Naughty or nice. 

      I could sacrifice a lot of food if I had to but I’d struggle to let chocolate go. I have a sweet tooth so I find it hard to resist any sweet food but chocolate is my real downfall and typically I don’t like the healthier stuff (70% plus cocoa content) so it’s the really naughty stuff I go for. It’s all about balance though – at least that’s what I tell myself!!

      Do you exercise and if so what do you do to keep fit?

      I’m not lazy. I get out walking or running about three times a week. I find it’s good for me, apart from burning those unwanted chocolate calories it gives me a bit of headspace and I tend to have most of my good ideas when out exercising. It’s also a good opportunity to catch up with mates who want to get out and get fit too. A good gossip can slow down the ‘power’ walk though!

      How do you find balance in your day-to-day life?

      I don’t always get the balance right, like most working Mum’s I just do my best and if I happen to have a very busy week work wise, I try to address that the following week. I hope I’m there for my children (and my family) for all those key moments in their lives

      How do you manage stress in your life? Do you meditate? Have you ever tried it? 

      I don’t meditate but it’s not something I’d rule out in the future. People who meditate all seem like excellent ambassadors for it and always appear to have a sense of calm so I’d be encouraged to try it down the line. And yoga, I loved yoga during both my pregnancies so I’ll get back to that one of these days. I’ll pop it on my long ‘to do’ list!!!

      People often set goals or intentions as they go through life. Is this something you do?

      I’ve interviewed some ridiculously successful people and none of them have ever had five year or ten year plans. That’s always music to my ears as I never had a plan. I still don’t. One thing I do feel is true for me is the harder I work, the luckier I get!

      How do you unwind after a busy day? 

      My children making me laugh is probably the best medicine. A glass of white wine is a nice treat with dinner too!

      It’s the weekend, what do you do for fun?  

      My weekend is a little different to most people’s these days with my weekend TV breakfast show. On Fridays when most are gearing down for the weekend, we’re ramping up as Saturday AM and Sunday AM are both live from 9-12. On Sunday at 12.05 I’m on my way home and that’s when my weekend starts! That’s a nice feeling..

      What’s your top health tip for our readers?

      Sleep, eat well, drink water, laugh, hang out with friends and family, take your make up off at night, always wear SPF. And have a night on the tiles every so often where you let your hair down.  Properly!

      Finish the sentence – Being complete for me means…getting through the week with a smile!





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