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      Many of us are constantly working on self-development. It is really helpful when doing so to have a deep understanding of your true emotions, value systems and dreams. Often we as humans can say one thing and mean another. This can be for a variety of reasons, including not really understanding what we truly feel, or not wanting to hurt others feelings. However, when we say one thing and do another this can give misleading signals to those around us.

      Animals are amazing at giving a true reflection of whether we are being really honest with ourselves and others. Animals don’t concentrate on the words we say, but on the true meaning and emotions behind our words and behaviours. This can provide us with invaluable information on areas of ourselves that we may want or need to work on.

      This week I attended an ‘Alignment with horses’ course. It was amazing. I have loads of animals myself, including horses, and am well aware that we can hide nothing from them emotionally! As an animal therapist, I also see close links between conditions that animals present with (physical and behavioural issues) and their owners. For those of you that are lucky enough to have animals of any species in your lives, trying these simple exercises can really help you understand your subconscious thoughts, emotions, values and also how you may be subconsciously judging others and why:

      • How does your animal react when you walk into the room? Does this reflect how you think you are feeling?
      • How does your animal react when you are angry? What emotions does this provoke in you when you see this reaction?
      • Look at your animal playing, or if for example you have a dog, out on their favourite walk. What emotions do you feel when you watch them?
      • If you see an old or sick animal how this make does you feel?

      As animals have such sensitive energy fields they pick up our true emotions and often mirror them back to us. Taking an honest look in that mirror is so helpful and can really help to understand what energy you are giving off in certain situations – once you recognise it then you can decide which, if any, of your emotions and behaviours you would like to work on.

      Do try this and let me know your results!


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