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      Keep going, mindful monday, coach, alison canavan, fall, autumn leaves

      Its #mindfulmonday and I wanted to recap on some of lessons so far from #KeepGoing month. The main reason I wanted to do #KeepGoing month is to help people realize that we all deserve much more than we think, but we need to push through our fears. The main message is to stop making excuses for yourself and don’t put off what you can do today till tomorrow!!

      In my opinion there is no such thing as new years resolutions (they usually fail). If you were living the life you want to live every day you would have no need to feel like you must change everything at the beginning of every year. Moderation and finding a balance is the key.

      Setting goals and having a game plan for a new year is a great idea but be the person you want to be all year round. Show up for yourself every single day and not just on January the 1st.


      What is January the 1st anyway but just another day and why does everyone feel like they have to go to the gym every day when they hate it, eat bland food because seemingly thats healthy and deny themselves of everything that they perceive gives them pleasure??

      “Follow your own passion and follow your own truth.”

      So many people in this life will tell you so many things about yourself, but you don’t have to believe them all. Choose to believe what you know to be true for you. You already know it. It’s in your heart.

      • Trust that voice that makes you feel alive.
      • Trust the feeling that lets you breathe.
      • Trust the feeling that leaves you fulfilled with a smile on your face and a heart full of desire for more of the same.
      • Trust you because you know best.

      Be on a constant journey of growth and self-improvement. Small changes make a big difference. You are more likely to stick with them, which means they will actually make a difference to your life. So please #KeepGoing and don’t try and overhaul your life in January only to slip back to your old ways leaving you deflated, disappointed and unmotivated.

      Get up, look at yourself in the mirror and ask:

      • Do I want to feel better?
      • Do I want to get up earlier?
      • Do I want to eat well?
      • Do I want to try a new hobby?
      • Do I want to chase my dreams?
      • Do I want to pick up the phone and talk to a friend that you haven’t seen in years?
      • Do I want to mend bridges with someone?
      • Am I ready for change?
      • Am I ready for today?

      If there is anything you would like to change, then today is as good a day as any to get going and keep going.

      Write a list and start ticking it off, take action and show up for you.
      Change never happened with a maybe or a next week or a tomorrow it happens when you take action today.

      Alison Canavan, keep going, motivation, coach, mindful monday, runner





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