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      As always leopardstown was buzzing on Thursday evening. Johnny Marr from The Smiths didn’t disappoint his fans and to top it off the sun was shining again!

      The style didn’t disappoint and if you want to be in with a chance of winning a €1,000 voucher for Brown Cow beauty boutiques, next week is your last chance so make sure you’re there. I’ve already ordered the sun, The Charlatans are playing and the craic will be mighty. Its the last week so we’ll all be in party mode and Sue Kelly the CEO of Brown Cow has even promised to throw some shapes on the dance floor… Cameras ready!!

      Our winner louise Allen is a self confessed EBay addict and so her dress from Peter Pilotto and her Christian Louboutin shoes were both from EBay. Her hat was Edel Ramberg and bag was Penneys.

      In second place was Nicoleta Rus who was wearing a beige dress from Zara and hat from House of Fraser.

      In 3rd place was Mary Cotter wearing a dress from our very own Peter O’Brien and hat from Aishling Ahearn and last bit not least Jean Browne from Tuam in Galway wore a stunning dress from a boutique called Hidden Closet in Tuam, hat Erin Bijous and Pearls from Newbridge.

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