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      Hi Everyone,

      Thank you to everyone who entered and I would like to say a huge congratulations to both our winners. I always put the names in hats but for the first competition for The Marker Hotel spa prize i actually didn’t as this mums message really spoke to my heart and I’m sure you will agree she deserves this prize:


      So a huge congratulations to DAVINA LONG who wrote:

      “I would love this .. don’t deserve it any more than any other mum but after the past 18mths it would be amazing to win 18 months ago my then 4 yr old daughter was diagnosed with cancer (she’s doing good) then 12mths ago i was in a car crash and broke my leg in 3 places and am left with a limp and an almost constant swollen ankle then my oldest daughter became pregnant and has been hospitalised due to problems with breathing and baby so i’ve been up the walls lately that coupled with 8 kids from 3 to 17 yrs old preschool to college drop offs and pick ups each day makes each day insanely busy with chemo trips and lumbar punctures thrown in every few weeks for good measure a day off pretending its all a distant memory would be FABULOUS”

      Davina I hope you have an amazing spa treatment and lots of love and best wishes for the future xxxxx


      The second prize was for the amazing Natural Beauty Hamper WORTH €325 from The Natural Medicine Company and the winner is :


      JIHANE AZIM who wrote:

      “Being Complete means for me looking after my new extended family, reflecting on what a journey my life has been, taking me around the world through a failed marriage, a good career, a successful new encounter, the decision to be a self employed mum and concluding without doubt that I wouldn’t have done it any different.”

      Lots more Competitions coming soon

      Ali xxxxx

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