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      Tony Robbns, motivational coach, Pendulum Summit, Frankie Sheahan, alison canavan, be complete, life coach, irish negativity, positive ireland

      I will admit I was quite surprised when I heard that Tony Robbins was coming to Dublin for The Pendulum Summit. I love my American motivational coaches, after all I was a New Yorker for 8 years and Tony Robbins is one of the best in the world. I just wasn’t sure how an Irish audience would react or receive him!


      When I first arrived to live in New York I felt very uncomfortable around all the positivity, after all as an Irish person I had been taught not to get above my station and we certainly never bragged about our achievements for fear of being called arrogant and full of our own self-importance.


      But the truth is that we are probably the most resilient people I know. We are fighters, hard workers and great achievers and we should be proud of that. I travelled the world as a model for over half my life and everywhere I went I met Irish people who were extraordinarily driven, proud to be Irish and proud of their success abroad so why not at home, after all as Tony says its not bragging if you have worked hard for it and achieved it!


      My American friends have walked on hot coals for Tony Robbins, which is really just a metaphor for facing and overcoming your fears. He spoke to a sold out summit last week and the energy was electric and most people left the convention center pumped. But it’s hard to maintain that energy when you head back out to the real world. A couple of people told me that they were disappointed and isn’t it well for him as he’s loaded.


      So newsflash peeps: I have no idea why you were disappointed as he delivered the way he always does and I knew what to expect as I have done his workshops before. He spoke for 5 hours straight and kept the energy up in the room for the entire time. He is also a man that came from poverty and has worked damn hard to get to where he is. He fed 100 million people last year and donated €30,000 to The Simon community before he left promising to also match any donations that are given in the next 30 days.

      While I can understand Tony Robbins style not being your cup of tea his message is crystal clear.

      We are all searching for happiness and fulfillment but we tend to settle for less than we should because of our fears. As Irish people we’re afraid to push ourselves for fear of what other people will think of us. But this problem is not unique to Ireland, western civilization has taught us to settle and fit in!!

      Through years of listening to coaches like Tony Robbins I have come to understand that happiness is our own individual job and we cannot expect other people and things to make us happy and I learnt this the hard way when I lost everything.

      Tony Robbns, motivational coach, Pendulum Summit, Frankie Sheahan, alison canavan, be complete, life coach, irish negativity, positive ireland

      I learnt that my past does not define my future and I have completely turned my life around so I know its possible!

      The human brain is primed for survival not happiness so we need to train our brain to be happy and it’s a daily job but one that’s worth it.

      Tony Robbns, motivational coach, Pendulum Summit, Frankie Sheahan, alison canavan, be complete, life coach, irish negativity, positive ireland

      Here are a few key points that I was reminded of last week:

      “Don’t live a life where you die before you’re dead” So live and stop existing. Try new things, challenge yourself and push through your fears!

      “Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure” so give back and have a higher purpose in your business.

      “Find ecstasy in every moment of your life because you never know when it will end”

      “Fulfilled people are not looking to hurt anyone!!”

      “Your worst nightmare is half the planets dream”


      “We are drowning in information and starving for wisdom”

      But most importantly I was reminded that no man is an island. We have some of the loneliest people living in the biggest cities in the world. We all need human connection and if we don’t get back to this in my opinion we are in very big trouble as a species and remember the brain is not designed to be happy that’s your job so take your job seriously enough to do something about it!

      Tony Robbns, motivational coach, Pendulum Summit, Frankie Sheahan, alison canavan, be complete, life coach, irish negativity, positive ireland

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