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      What is your answer 8 x 8


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      Every thought we have impacts our emotions, every emotion impacts the physical (you only have to think of a traumatic experience and what happens? There is a sudden and obvious rise in your heart rate a bubbling sickness in the pit of your stomach) and every physical response impacts our behaviour.

      One of the tell tale signs of someone in this state of fear is the automatic switch on of the fight or flight response. Emotions kick in – panic, fear and the physical response will be sweaty palms, feet etc.

      The core of my treatments are based on Noetic Science, how energy effects matter.

      Noetics has been around for centuries with the likes of Aristotle, Socrates and Einstein all being very familiar with its philosophy (E=Mc2 )

      For me this philosophy has encompassed all of my learning over the last thirty years which was why I coined the term Noetic Therapy for the treatments I created that read implicit tissue memory – (The Fifth Concept, The Spinal Code & Bowensense)

      noetics 2Every thing has a vibration – Vibrations resonate at different speeds and as human beings we pick up vibrations. They affect how we feel, what we think and how we act. A good example of this is when we listen to music. Soft gentle music can soothe us into a state of relaxation and vibrant upbeat music can make us feel happy and energised. Loud screeching head banging music on the other hand can give some people a headache and immediately make you feel tense.

      Have you ever had the experience of someone being in a room and literally lighting it up with their presence? They are the life and soul of the party! These are the people who are on our wave length and can motivate us with their positivity but there may be other times when some one has walked in to a room and you could cut the atmosphere with a knife. They emit negative energy and drain you, these types of people I call ‘Emotional Vampires’

      I have been called The Skin Psychic before, a term that I am not really comfortable with but I understand that with the tools I have. I teach to observe what is happening with an individual emotionally, mentally and physically, it may seem that way. I can categorically say, I do not work with spirits at all, I work intuitively with energies and reading the body in a way that has been fine tuned over thirty years, I have studied genetics, counselling, homeopathy, nutrition and fascia as well as skin behaviour through specific thought patterns and experience. I read and study the physics of micro organisms to study heat and energy communications in the body. I have also taken pictures of feet, ears and faces over the thirty years of people from all walks of life and environments worldwide and this is where my interest lies.

      Marie reynolds, noetics, skincare, bowen therapy, beauty,Intuition is something we all are gifted with. It is not some hippie fad or new age crap that the sceptics like to throw out. In fact, my favourite clients are the ones who are defensive or what I call ‘blockers’. You see, there are some that live in fear, you often find the people who shout the loudest, hurl negatives and try to devalue what you do are the most fearful, they go on the front foot and try to ‘derail’ which to the most part they succeed, however I can see through that and there are reason’s for it. I would often say these individuals are ‘not ready’….yet!

      The intuitive mind is something we all have, yet ignore and not trust. The process of tapping in to a sense or feeling is a gift.  Within my Spinal Code treatment and The Fifth Concept my fingers ‘see’ and ‘feel’ what the body tissues, muscles, tendons and fascia are telling them. I communicate with my clients body, I do not just go on what my clients tell me in consultation but what I see in body language, what I hear in voice tone and speed of speech and what I sense in the fingers, how the communication of body tissues act within treatment, and believe me they do communicate. I have been able to tell from my Spinal Code treatment if clients have emotional issues linking with a particular parent, if they have had a blood transfusion or if they have emotional traumas, just by feeling implicit tissue memory (this is the memory of an experience laid down in the body tissues)

      Chain reactions within the body happen as soon as negativity hits. This can be in the form of stress from environmental factors, emotional factors or physical factors.

      So remember your thoughts reflect in your beliefs, your beliefs reflect in your feelings and your feelings reflect in your behaviour – make them good ones!


      Find out more about Marie here

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