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      Want a low calorie, centre stage dessert? Look no further than this meringue wreath! A guilt free delight!

      This Tasty Thursday Roz shares this delicious recipe with us but recommends making the meringue wreath in advance or the night before as the cooking time is long! Perfect is you have time this evening and you are stuck for a dessert or coming up to the new year if you are planning on having guests over.


      6 egg whites

      1 tbsp apple cider Vinegar

      2 1/2 granulated Stevia

      1 1/2 tbsp cornflour


      250g greek yogurt or Coconut Yogurt

      250g mixed berries

      8-10 fresh mint leaves

      Roz purcells meringue wreath, healthy desserts, low calorie christmas desserts, tasty thursday, be complete, alison canavan, rozanna purcell, cooking, food, nutrition


      Preheat oven to 100°C Conventional setting

      Add the egg whites into a clean, large mixing bowl.

      Beat them on medium speed with an electric hand whisk until stiff, think fluffy clouds!

      Turn the speed up and add in the rest of the ingredients starting with the vinegar, then cornflour and add the stevia 1 tbsp at a time.

      The mixture should be thick and glossy!

      Prepare a flat baking tray with some parchment paper, a clever thick is to use a saucepan as a stencil and draw out a wreath before spooning out the meringue mixture! We dont want any wobbly wreaths!

      Place in the oven for 2 and a half hours , no peeking!

      Once baked, turn off the oven and let sit in there for another 30 minutes before removing.

      Dont assemble until you are ready to serve, Start by placing a dollop of  the yogurt along the middle of the cake.

      Toss over the berries and mint leaves to finish.

      Wishing you a very healthy and happy christmas xxxxx

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