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      Does starting your day the right way make any difference?

      I decided to do a couple of short videos about starting your day the right way. As our brains are primed for survival and not happiness we need to make a conscious effort each day to help put us on the right track! Consistency is key and small happiness habits each day can make a big difference.


      Well even simple things like saying thank you as soon as you wake up (practising gratitude), taking a few deep breaths and even some gentle stretches can get your day off to a great start.

      For years I used to roll out of bed and hope my day would go well. What I have realised through the years is that when we consciously start our day on a positive note it gives us a pep in our step and helps get our day off to a great start.

      Starting your day the right way also helps you to feel more centered and calm which gives me you the ability to cope with stress better.

      So why not try and implement some simple tips! Try simply sitting on the side of your bed as soon as you wake and take a couple of moments for yourself before your day begins. It’s these small changes that start to add up and make a big difference in our lives.

      These are some simple ways to get your day off to a great start – but figuring out what works for you is the key. Have fun with it and switch it up.

      When you are done with part one check out starting your day the right way part 2 below. Let me know how you start your day. I would love to hear from you. Please comment below

      Shine Bright

      Ali xx



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