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      With exams around the corner it is easy to feel overwhelmed. There is no doubt that exam time can be a very stressful and daunting time for students (and sometimes parents).

      Whether your studying for your junior cert, leaving cert, or college exams, it is important to look after yourself at this stressful period. I have teamed up with Eskimo Omegas to bring you our best Exams Tips to help you get through exam time smoothly.

      During exam time you rely on one brain function above all others; Memory.

      Relax, breathe, and remember you got this!

      1. Organization is key!

      exam stress, exam tips, study, tips, eskimo omegas, eskimo 3.6.9, balanced diet, food ,nutrition, alison canavan, becomplete, exam time, study tipsHaving an organised approach to your studies really is half the battle!

      Ensure you have a place to study and you have all your necessary subject books, test papers, stationary before you start your study session.

      Don’t know where to start? Don’t worry. Break it down to simpler tasks.

      Daily plan – This is what you can do day-to-day

      • Make a to-do list
      • Keep track of your assignments
      • What areas of study you need to focus on

      Weekly Plan – overall plan for the week.

      • Dates of tests coming up
      • Tasks to be achieved this week

      It is important to set a realistic timetable. If it is too demanding it will only end up stressing you out. Keep it simple.


      1. Eat a balanced diet

      exam stress, exam tips, study, tips, eskimo omegas, eskimo 3.6.9, balanced diet, food ,nutrition, alison canavan, becomplete, exam time, study tipsEating healthily during the exam period is a great way of letting everything else take care of itself!

      Good nutrition is essential at any time of the year, but especially during an exam year when your brain and body are under great stress.

      Plenty of fruits, vegetables, seeds, protein and good fats are vital!


      1. Drink plenty of water

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      Stay hydrated. Try to minimize sugary drinks and caffeine and aim for 2L of water per day! When dehydrated the body and mind becomes dazed and restless so getting that much needed H20 will help you keep your mind clear and your energy levels up!


      1. Take regular breaks – exercise!

      exam stress, exam tips, study, tips, eskimo omegas, eskimo 3.6.9, balanced diet, food ,nutrition, alison canavan, becomplete, exam time, study tipsGet some fresh air and exercise for at least 30 minutes per day. This stimulates the brain and helps to de-stress and focus the mind.

      Plan your revision so you can take breaks and revise what you’ve just learned before moving on to anything new. Plus, it makes for a nice respite from studying – win, win.


      1. Talk through what you learnt

      Sometimes saying it out loud and saying it back to yourself in your own words can help you memorize what you just have just learnt.


      1. Past Papers

      Practice make perfect! Look at previous exam papers and make note of what type of questions come up in what years. Look up sample answers and revision notes.

      [bctt tweet=”During exam time you rely on one brain function above all others; Memory. Relax, breathe, and remember you got this!” username=”alicanavan”]

      1. Avoid distractions

      exam stress, exam tips, study, tips, eskimo omegas, eskimo 3.6.9, balanced diet, food ,nutrition, alison canavan, becomplete, exam time, study tipsDevote your full attention to the task at hand. Yes, we know this sometimes can be a struggle – considering that the urge to procrastinate is at an all-time high. Ensure that you smartphone is turned off, on silent or left outside your study space. You can check your snapchats, Instagram and Facebook later at breaks!


      1. Get those much needed Zzzz’s

      exam stress, exam tips, study, tips, eskimo omegas, eskimo 3.6.9, balanced diet, food ,nutrition, alison canavan, becomplete, exam time, study tipsSleep plays a critical role in memory and helps you retain information better.

      Think of is as if your smartphone updating – the same way it needs the updates to keep functioning at top speed – so too you need your sleep to retain information.

      Try to avoid all-nighters to avoid burn out. Go to bed and get up early to study that morning if needs be.


      1. Flashcards

      exam stress, exam tips, study, tips, eskimo omegas, eskimo 3.6.9, balanced diet, food ,nutrition, alison canavan, becomplete, exam time, study tipsSmall, portable and one of the best ways to best to learn.

      These cards are great for writing out short notes, keywords, and questions. Write out a question or a term on one side of the flashcard and the answer on the other side.

      They are a great way to test yourself. Do a speed round – see how many you can get right in 10 minutes. Keep your flashcards subject divided and place all the ones your get right in one pile and the ones you get incorrect in another and then go over again.


      Acronyms are words formed from the first letter of the first work of each point/ fact you want to remember.

      Keep notes clear, simple and organised. Use colour.


      Omega-3 – A Vital Part of Exam Preparation

       Omega-3, is a vital part of exam preparation. Our bodies can’t produce omega-3, so we need to get it through our diet.  Omega-3, the main beneficial fatty acid in fish oil, has been shown to


      • Reduce anxiety during exams by 20%
      • Improve memory and cognitive ability
      • Improved concentration – one study showed increased concentration within 2 hours of taking omega-3 proving that its never too late to start taking your omega-3s.
      • Helps improve learning and balance moods
      • Aids sleep which results in greater performance during the day.
      • Strengthens the immune system so that you don’t get run down.


      Increasing your level of omega-3, either through diet or supplementation can lead to improved concentration, a sharper memory, less anxiety, overall making it easier to study.

      It’s no surprise that omega-3 is so beneficial to brain health. The importance of these fatty acids becomes most obvious when they’re lacking. People who don’t get enough omega-3s in their diet can become demotivated, disinterested, forgetful and may experience low mood, while serious deficiency can lead to an increased risk of developing conditions such as ADD, dyslexia and depression.

      DHA – A True Brain Food

       Just as calcium is essential for building strong bones, DHA is essential for good brain health. Studies show that you need 250mg DHA daily to support brain health. DHA helps to improve learning, mood, memory and concentration. To obtain omega-3, you can either eat 2 portions of oily fish per week (salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel, fresh tuna) or supplement with a high quality fish oil such as Eskimo Brain 3.6.9.

      Get Focused with Eskimo Brain 369

       exam stress, exam tips, study, tips, eskimo omegas, eskimo 3.6.9, balanced diet, food ,nutrition, alison canavan, becomplete, exam time, study tips

      Whether you’re doing exams or just looking to increase brain power, Eskimo Brain 369 is the food supplement for you. With high levels of omega-3 DHA along with seed oils, vitamin D, E and CoQ10, your brain power will surge in no time.

      Consumer Feedback

      “I have used Eskimo-3 fish oils over the past few years and have found them unbelievably beneficial. Within 1-2 days I felt sharper and more focused. After a few weeks, my skin was smooth and clear, which I also attribute to the product. It is a natural, affordable and an amazing product, which I have recommended to friends.” Claire Breen, Galway

      #collaboration #TherapyThursday

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