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      For this weeks #WellnessWednesday features Brendan Courtney, he is many things but primarily a dear friend with one of the biggest hearts I know.

      As a Broadcaster, Fashion Designer, Writer & Entrepreneur his work has touched many lives in different ways. This year his authored doc for RTE1 “We need to talk about Dad” has shaken the government to change the law around care in the community. As well as a change maker he is one of my favourite designers and alongside Sonia Lennon they have just launched their new collection in Dunnes Stores.

      He is the editor at large for (online female lifestyle platform) frockadvisor. He was recently listed as “The most influential (fashion) journalist on Twitter” by the Murray Index.

      We first met back in “The Clothes Show” days where he was responsible for the return of the BBC Show which he produced and presented for a number years.

      However today I want to know how he balances it all so I asked him to do my #WellnessWednesday quiz and heres what we found out:


      1. How would you describe your lifestyle?

      Reasonably healthy! I try and be good to myself but do slip into naughty treats occasionally.

      1. What’s your favorite food? Naughty or nice.

      Thai curry ! Or anything Italian.

      1. Do you exercise and if so what do you do to keep fit?

      Yes, I was actually a fitness instructor in a previous life so I run, do yoga and indulge myself with a personal trainer twice a week.

      1. How do you find balance in your day-to- day life?

      I try to meditate as often as I can, and consider everything I put in my mouth.

      1. How do you manage stress in your life? Do you meditate?

      Yes, I found meditation 20 years ago when I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. A brilliant Ozzie women called Pauline McKinnon wrote “In stillness conquer fear” – that became my mantra.

      1. People often set goals or intentions as they go through life. Is this something you do?

      Yes of course, every 3 months and revise them and do them every day.

      1. How do you unwind after a busy day?

      A walk with the dog, a movie or a glass of red wine (opey!).

      1. It’s the weekend, what do you do for fun?

      We do Animal Flow every Sunday (It’s like intense YOGA), I see my family and maybe meet friends for dinner, or we go away!

      1. What’s your top health tip for our readers?

      Well being feels better then anything, so learn that treating your self is not chocolate or fags, but putting nice stuff in your body, change your mind set and the worlds your oyster!

      1. Finish the sentence – Being complete for me means…

      …being happy and that happiness comes from within, no one thing or person can make you happy, just you.

      To keep up with the latest from Brendan follow him below:



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