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      This week I’m delighted to be chatting to Keith Cullen who is a Dublin born Singer/Songwriter. When you meet Keith you instantly light up because his positive energy is contagious.

      Keith has immersed himself in music his entire life and is career has taken him to Dubai, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, New Zealand, Cairo, London, LA, New York, Boston, Paris and Berlin.

      Currently splitting his time between LA and Dublin, Keith has recently signed a Management Deal with the legendary Phil Quartararo – Former CEO at Virgin records, Warner bros and EMI and he has also been hand picked by Grammy award winning producer Robert Cutarella who has had hits with Chaka Khan, Michael Jackson, Air Supply, Whitney Houston, Diana Ross, Dolly Parton, The Police, Elton John, Celine Dion, to name but a few. But lets find out a little bit more about how Keith balances his busy lifestyle..

      Keith Cullen, singer, songwriter, wellness wednesday, be complete, alison canavan, health and wellness, true inspiration, motivaton, lifestyle quiz, meditation, hiking, mindfulness How would you describe your lifestyle? 

      My lifestyle is predominately a positive and focused one! I would describe my lifestyle as one of constant change. It is one that requires me to be flexible in my thinking and ready for the unexpected.

      What’s your favorite food? Naughty or nice. 

      I am just back from LA where I’m learning that foods primary goal is to nourish and fuel our system. That being the focus of my New Years resolutions I’m going to say Wheatgrass simply for its health and healing benefits.

      Do you exercise and if so what do you do to keep fit?

      I am very lucky to work with two amazing people who wrap up all my fitness needs up. Igor Sidarchuk who is a bodybuilding champ looks after my weight training and Dominic Munnelly from crossfit green who takes care of my cardio and conditioning.

      I love a good hike when I’m away or a long walk to focus my mind.

      How do you find balance in your day-to-day life? 

      I have a very clear vision of my goals for this year so I’ve build in a fool proof routine that encompasses all aspects of my life! I find if I’m on a good routine my days are super productive from start to finish which leaves me satisfied feeling balanced and happy.

      How do you manage stress in your life? Do you meditate? Have you ever tried it? 

      I’m a big believer in meditation and living your life in the most beautiful way possible given your personal circumstances. Daily rituals of: relaxation, meditation and gratitude combined with a mind that supports your goals tends to prevent stress for me.

      I don’t believe in managing stress I believe in erasing it.

      People often set goals or intentions as they go through life. Is this something you do?

      Always! I am an extremely visual person and believe 100% in the power of visualisation. It never fails me. I always carry a notebook for writing down my end outcomes and how I would like situations to look! I always write in pencil as it can be rubbed out and changed when your own goals and intentions change.

      How do you unwind after a busy day? 

      I find the more of the “good stuff” and the things that motivate me and excite my mind I do daily the less I have to “unwind”.

      I find these days I get energised by the team around me and the invaluable support structure of friends and family.

      I also recently bought Dr Mercolas Melatonin sleep support which is a life saver and ensures a restful sleep after a long day or long journey.

      It’s the weekend, what do you do for fun? 

      My vice is a Jameson! Saying that my philosophy is that I live each day regardless of the name given to the day. Life is far too short to simply live only for the weekend.

      What’s your top health tip for our readers? 

      Take the step that is In front of you and do something everyday that will lead to a good habit being formed. I believe your “self-talk” is key to you achieving anything in the world it is that you want to achieve.

      Finish the sentence – Being complete for me means… 

      Being fulfilled. The more fulfilled you are the more you have to give. I believe success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.




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