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      Congratulations to our 3 winners of our Alflorex Digestive SOS Health kit containing 3 month’s supply of Alflorex, three different organic Pukka teas to support digestive health (Pukka three mint tea, Pukka golden chamomile tea, Pukka three fennel tea, 8 Panda Liquorice bars and an Atlantic Aromatics essential Lavender Oil.


      “I had Ulcerative Colitis and due to perforations on my colon I had to have life saving emergency surgery, another two surgeries later I live with a J pouch that works s a colon now. My digestive health is really important as I have no colon I loose a lot of potassium and salts and don’t absorb Iron very well and need to replace this through diet and supplements. I would love to win this competition and try out these products as I’m sure my digestive system could really benefit.” Grainne Cunningham

      “I’ve tried changing my diet and all types of medication and nothings worked. I’m so tired of my digestive health impacting on so many areas of my life. It has created so many anxiety issues for me. I would love to try alforex to see if this natural remedy would work for me Nicola m”

      “Feeling good come from within. We all know how important a healthy diet is but what’s the point of a healthy diet without a healthy digestive system?! I need a reboot and this would be a great way to start off!!! Daniela simmons”

      Thanks for entering,
      I have some more winners and even better competitions coming up soon,
      Ali xxxxx

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