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      Q: Any tips on packing for your hospital bag. I always bring to much!

      I panicked about absolutely everything when I was pregnant especially packing my hospital bag. As a model I travelled a lot through the years. So packing is something that really should have been second nature to me. I blame my severe problem of procrastinating about everything. I have a knack of making the simplest things like washing plates, hanging out washing or emptying the bin into enormous tasks, so you can imagine the panic I was experiencing pre-birth. I was most certainly short-circuiting but the good news is I survived.

      My first tip is shrinking all your toiletries to travel size. Boots are great and stock nearly all the good brands in travel size now. Bring three or four changes of nightwear. The hospitals can be very warm and I wanted to change quite frequently to feel fresh. Take arnica two weeks before your due dates and make sure to pack some to help with bruising and discomfort after birth. If you are planning on giving breastfeeding a go I would pack a breast pump as I had terrible problems and the breast pump saved me and enabled me to eventually feed. The medela swing is light, battery operated and very efficient. I also brought glucose tablets for that extra push, hair ties and a water spray. If your phone is like mine and the battery lasts 5 seconds you will need to remember your charger to announce the good news and take that first pic!

      If you want to take all the hassle and worry away, mum of three Karen Snyder in England has created myHospitalBag. The bag contains over 30 products including a toilet bag with: miniature shower gel, shampoo, deodorant, lip salve, hairbands, shower cap, toothbrush, toothpaste and lip salve. The bag also includes comfortable knickers, maternity sanitary towels, breastpads, facial wipes and antibacterial hand gel, along with flip flops, bed socks, a laundry bag and a pocket pad and pen. To help aid recovery there is a small bottle of Arnica pills that I mentioned earlier.

      For your newborn she has included babygrows, vests, hats, mitts and muslin squares all in neutral white, newborn nappies, nappy bags, wipes, cotton wool, disposable changing mat and Sudocrem.

      The bag is even big enough to ensure that you have space to add a few home comforts.

      If you are interested in buying one, the cost is £85 (€102.67) including delivery of €12 to Ireland which is cheaper and more convenient than buying it all separately.


      TOP TIPS:

      • Have your bag packed at 35 weeks as junior might want to make an early arrival

      • For your going home outfit comfort is key. I wore a maternity dress with tights. have a great checklist

      • Disposable or old undies and nipple cream also top my list

      • Pre-wash all your baby clothes in non-bio washing powder

      • Enjoy every second, you’re about to create a miracle


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